Forum > Windows

P4 D 3.4?? MMX?


I downloaded the app that runs the tests on your PC to see what optimized client would be best for you.

I ran it, and it suggested the MMX app?

I have a P4 D 3.4, No I have no problems running the MMX app, but it just strikes me as odd that MMX would be the optimum for this PC?

Any ideas?

The test app may not always recommend the correct app - this is due to the very short test WU used. For your P-D, I recommend the Intel-SSE3 app, it runs quickest on my own P-D.


How would I go about finding the best app for my processor, just go off the higher chip style that CPU-Z give me?

I have about 12-13 older PC that I want to squeez as much as I can out of :)

There's an easy way to make the automatic test app more accurate - make it run longer.

To this end, all you need to do is edit the file work_unit.sah in the benchmark directory. Use your favourite text editor and find both occurrences of chirp_limit (right next to each other). Then change those values (currently, they're ridiculously low, you can try using 1/2.5) and save the file, rerun benchmark app.

Should make for more accurate testing but will definitely take a bit longer.



--- Quote ---chirp_limit (right next to each other). Then change those values (currently, they're ridiculously low, you can try using 1/2.5)
--- End quote ---

For the less technical  ::)  -
Find and Change ...
  <chirp_limit> nnnn </chirp_limit>   to either
  <chirp_limit> 1 </chirp_limit>
  <chirp_limit> 2.5 </chirp_limit>


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