Since a short time you can let run SETI@home (Enhanced) on CPU or GPU.
(Nothing new for the most of us..

But the problem is, it's not possible to let run Enhanced and Astropulse on CPU and Enhanced (and in future maybe Astropulse also) on GPU simultaneously.

So BOINC and/or SETI@home need more programmer/coder.
Of course the opt.-crew made a well job to now! But more members would help to accelerate the development..)
I made a thread in my team-forum..
So I thought, to give my teammates (and of course for other people also!

) a place to meet and discuss it would be nice to have here
one thread about this topic.
(This one..?!)
If here is a place (thread) already open.. for to extend/optimize BOINC and SETI@home, please post here the place where to find..

Thank you!