Franz, BTW.
This Win7 PC have very much 1 errors.
It's like the other member I helped with his Win7 and 2x GTX295 PC.
Also Fred said, he couldn't let run well CUDA on his Win7 and 2x GTX295.
Not 190.x , 191.x and not 195.x . He continue with WinXP.
So I recommended the member to install WinXP and since then no error.
It could be a BUG in Win7 or the current available nVIDIA_drivers.
So the time will tell if with a new nVIDIA_driver it will be better.
The easiest would be to install WinXP. 
Hi, about the error I show you (on win7 (64), the solution was:
reinstall everything but CUDA DLL's 2.3 (leave the original BOINC dll's) It's working fine.
Now I heve a lot off errors on an other WIN7 (32) PC (with GTS 250) example a lot of:
Cuda error 'find_pulse_kernel2<3, false>' in file 'd:/BoincSeti_Prog/sinbad_repositories/LunaticsUnited/SETI_CUDA_MB_exp/client/cuda/' in line 1603 : unknown error.
and finally a line like this:
Cuda error 'cudaMemcpy(&flags, dev_find_pulse_flag, sizeof(*dev_find_pulse_flag), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)' in file 'd:/BoincSeti_Prog/sinbad_repositories/LunaticsUnited/SETI_CUDA_MB_exp/client/cuda/' in line 1733 : unknown error.