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Author Topic: Windows Installer v0.35 Beta  (Read 22130 times)


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Windows Installer v0.35 Beta
« on: 27 Feb 2010, 09:08:36 am »
Beta Test Installers, v0.35 for Windows are at:

Changes since last Release (v0.2):

For windows 32 (Nt/XP/Vista/Win7, x86 versions), changes since last release (v0.2):
- updated AP_SSE to r339 SSE,  Astropulse application is updated to a single SSE build, reportedly yielding 5%-25% performance improvement over last release, depending on machine & task characteristics. The SSE build renders prior SSE3 hand-code obsolete.
- removed APv5 appinfo entries
- removed multibeam 5.28 entries (leaving only 6.03)
- For cuda installations Puts only 6.08 app info entries ( but both plan classes still)
- Cuda 'detailed' configuration page, which let's you specify v2.2(default) or v2.3 DLLs is used, & whether VlarKill or non-vlarkil application is installed.
- Unconditionally  (whether cuda install or not) scans client state & converts any 6.09 marked tasks inside seti@Home project to 6.08, for compatibility with resheduler 1.9.

For windows 64 bit (/XP/Vista/Win7, x64 versions),Installer changes since release 0.2:
- updated AP to r339 SSE,  Astropulse application is updated to a single SSE build, reportedly yielding 5%-25% performance improvement over last release, depending on machine & task characteristics. The SSE build renders prior SSE3 hand-code obsolete.
- removed APv5 appinfo entries
- removed multibeam 5.28 entries (leaving only 6.03)
- For cuda installations puts only 6.08 app info entries ( but both plan classes still)
- Cuda 'detailed' configuration page, which let's you specify v2.2(default) or v2.3 DLLs is used, & whether VlarKill or non-vlarkil application is installed.
- Unconditionally  (whether cuda install or not) scans client state & converts any 6.09 marked tasks inside seti@Home project to 6.08, for compatibility with resheduler 1.9.
- Puts both platform entries for all app versions (doubling the app_info), for smooth (fingers crossed) installations on Windows x64.

For Windows 98/ME, changes since last Release (v0.2):
- Astropulse application is updated to a single SSE build, reportedly yielding 5%-25% performance improvement over last release, depending on machine & task characteristics. The SSE build renders prior SSE3 hand-code obsolete.
- Extra Note: Actually astropulse performance improvement may be significantly more for Windows 98, since a major stock code limitation was discovered and eliminated ( Thanks, Joe Segur)
- Older Astropulse v5 is removed (leaving only AstroPusle v5.05)
- Multibeam 5.28 app info entries are removed.

Extensive Readme/FAQ, To be developed / updated as we go along.


[J: Modifed link to point to beta Download category, for access to all three beta 0.35 installers]
« Last Edit: 21 Jul 2011, 05:34:58 am by Miep »

Offline Jason G

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Re: Windows Installer v0.35 Beta
« Reply #1 on: 01 Mar 2010, 11:03:15 am »
Heads Up! those that have downloaded, or are downloading, v0.35 installer Beta.

The initial link, at the top of the last announcement, was previously pointing to the Windows 98/me installer download page.  I corrected this link to point to the beta downloads area, where all three downloads reside (along with an astropulse beta standalone).  I mention this again because I'm seeing a rather absurd imbalance in the ratio of windows 98 downloads, to Win32 (nt/XP/Vista/Win7 x86).

So either there's been an unexpected surge in the number of Windows 98/me users, or there's some confusion due to the incorrect link going out by RSS feed (or similar).  Please take care that you're downloading the correct installer for your platform, the beta area download link again (Accessible to Squires+):

http://lunatics.kwsn.net/index.php?module=Downloads;catd=29     , contains 3 installers, win98me (for Windows 98 & me), Win32 (For NT//XP/Vista/Win7 32 bit x86 editions ) , & Win64 (for XP/Vista/Win7 x64 editions).

Thanks, and sorry about any confusion.  If at any time you are uncertain about which version to download for your machine, please ask on the forums.

Cheers, Jason
« Last Edit: 01 Mar 2010, 11:11:23 am by Jason G »


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