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Author Topic: What's your highest PID number?  (Read 16173 times)

Offline Cosmic_Ocean

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What's your highest PID number?
« on: 03 Oct 2009, 07:53:06 pm »
I noticed a few weeks ago on my main cruncher, that after 14 days of solid uptime (I also play games and do some graphic design and audio/video editing), my PIDs break into the 5-digit realm.  There's no real harm in this, but I typically see that as an indication that a reboot may be necessary in the near future just to clear the RAM out.

Looked in task manager today, and with only 6 days of uptime.. I'm into the SIX digit realm.  That's right, right now, taskmgr.exe has a PID of 126228.  That's incredible.

I know on at least 32-bit Linux, the PIDs only go up to 32767 (or 8..not 100% sure on that).  No idea what 64-bit's limit is, or if it's the same.  I always wondered what kind of limits Windows had, but it's obvious that it is definitely more than 16 bits.

screenshot for those that want visual proof

Offline Fredericx51

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Re: What's your highest PID number?
« Reply #1 on: 04 Oct 2009, 10:33:09 am »
Hi,  Process IDentification, isn' t  it?

On all host' s ,  optimized app.'s like AK_Win_SSSE3 or  executables from other Projects & processes, have numbers
around 5000 - 7500.
Two QUAD's are only rebooted, if an UPdate required so.

BTW 32767 = 2^15-1 . If I'm correct   ::)

Offline Cosmic_Ocean

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Re: What's your highest PID number?
« Reply #2 on: 04 Oct 2009, 02:26:48 pm »
Hi,  Process IDentification, isn' t  it?

On all host' s ,  optimized app.'s like AK_Win_SSSE3 or  executables from other Projects & processes, have numbers
around 5000 - 7500.
Two QUAD's are only rebooted, if an UPdate required so.

BTW 32767 = 2^15-1 . If I'm correct   ::)

You're right, 32767 is 2^15 - 1, or could be a signed 16-bit int, with the negatives never being used.

Anything over 65536 means that it is guaranteed to need more than 16 bits (unsigned or signed) to represent that number.

This whole thing does not indicate a problem of any kind, or in any way, just a new observation that I have yet to see.

Offline sunu

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Re: What's your highest PID number?
« Reply #3 on: 04 Oct 2009, 03:58:38 pm »
I know on at least 32-bit Linux, the PIDs only go up to 32767 (or 8..not 100% sure on that).  No idea what 64-bit's limit is, or if it's the same.  I always wondered what kind of limits Windows had, but it's obvious that it is definitely more than 16 bits.

64bit ubuntu here and still up to 32K but once it reaches upper limit it starts back from the begining with the unused ones.
« Last Edit: 04 Oct 2009, 04:51:07 pm by sunu »


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