+- +-
Say hello if visiting :) by Gecko
11 Jan 2023, 07:43:05 pm

Seti is down again by Mike
09 Aug 2017, 10:02:44 am

Some considerations regarding OpenCL MultiBeam app tuning from algorithm view by Raistmer
11 Dec 2016, 06:30:56 am

Loading APU to the limit: performance considerations by Mike
05 Nov 2016, 06:49:26 am

Better sleep on Windows - new round by Raistmer
26 Aug 2016, 02:02:31 pm


You will calculate SETI@home on an ATI GPU ?

YES - I have an ATI GPU
0 (0%)
YES - I don't have, but I will buy then an ATI GPU
0 (0%)
NO - I don't have an ATI GPU
0 (0%)
NO - I don't have and will not buy an ATI GPU
1 (20%)
Maybe - I don't have, but will think about to buy an ATI GPU
0 (0%)
YES - I have current only nVIDIA GPUs, but if the performance is higher I will buy ATI GPUs
1 (20%)
Maybe - I have current only nVIDIA GPUs, but if the performance is higher I will think about to buy ATI GPUs
1 (20%)
NO - I don't have an ATI GPU, I will calculate only on my nVIDIA GPU
2 (40%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Author Topic: - POLL - : SETI@home on ATI GPU - you have, or you will buy an ATI GPU?  (Read 28418 times)


  • Guest
Does the requirement for Catalyst 9.2 still stay? I have an HD3870 with catalyst 9.8 and i really want to join alpha.

Offline Raistmer

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beta already run and yes, no more than 9.2 required.
Blame ATI for driver degradation, new versions dont support large arrays...


  • Guest
beta already run and yes, no more than 9.2 required.
Blame ATI for driver degradation, new versions dont support large arrays...
:( such a shame...


  • Guest
Well, time to hear the 4870x2 does on full load.


  • Guest
beta already run and yes, no more than 9.2 required.
Blame ATI for driver degradation, new versions dont support large arrays...

Is there any outlook on it changing anytime soon? Have my 3870-OC crunching away at MW, but would love seti to share in the fun as well. The only problem I have is my win7 x64 isn't entirely stable with drivers prior to 9.5; when accelerating high definition movies, or is this an issue we'll have to take up with ATI?

Offline Raistmer

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Absolutely and solely with ATI.
Surely have no intentions to debug their drivers!  >:(


  • Guest
That would indeed be slightly beyond what of end-users or even developers are supposed to do :-).

Is it a bug, or have they purpousfully scrapped it? If its a bug, I'll report it; if they have scrapped it all we can do is beg (politely)...

Offline arkayn

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My 4830 has no problem running the 9.2 drivers on Win 7-64. Of course I did install it without CCC, so that might be part of it.


  • Guest
That would indeed be slightly beyond what of end-users or even developers are supposed to do :-).

Is it a bug, or have they purpousfully scrapped it? If its a bug, I'll report it; if they have scrapped it all we can do is beg (politely)...
I'm with you. If you post a beg/bug report post the link here so all users interested (including myself) can support the request!

Offline Raistmer

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This limitation may (or may not) go away with new OpenCL-enabled drivers.
BTW, OpenCL SDK from ATI supports GPUs starting from 4xxx only, that is, currently supported HD2xxx-HD3xxx will be abandoned in OpenCL ports :(

Offline Raistmer

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And more:
This is a performance hit compared to a streaming model because the GPU is natively a streaming device. There is another performance hit for the R7XX since it was not designed with OpenCL in mind, our new HD5XXX series was.
So don't expect much from OpenCL on HD4xxx .... ATI is clearly behind nVidia in general purpose computing.


  • Guest
I have a Radeon HD4870 running Windows 7 and catalyst version 9.9. MW ATI app works fine. Like to run SETI (Beta) ATI app. Possible???

Offline Raistmer

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catalyst 9.2 and "Squire" status required.


  • Guest
catalyst 9.2 and "Squire" status required.

Thnx Raistmer. I will downgrade to catalyst 9.2.  I hope to get Squire status soon.


  • Guest
A collection of ATI cards waiting to test  ;D 4890, 4850 an even a 3200 IGP. Currently burning through WU's on MW@home.


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