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Say hello if visiting :) by Gecko
11 Jan 2023, 07:43:05 pm

Seti is down again by Mike
09 Aug 2017, 10:02:44 am

Some considerations regarding OpenCL MultiBeam app tuning from algorithm view by Raistmer
11 Dec 2016, 06:30:56 am

Loading APU to the limit: performance considerations by Mike
05 Nov 2016, 06:49:26 am

Better sleep on Windows - new round by Raistmer
26 Aug 2016, 02:02:31 pm


You will calculate SETI@home on an ATI GPU ?

YES - I have an ATI GPU
0 (0%)
YES - I don't have, but I will buy then an ATI GPU
0 (0%)
NO - I don't have an ATI GPU
0 (0%)
NO - I don't have and will not buy an ATI GPU
1 (20%)
Maybe - I don't have, but will think about to buy an ATI GPU
0 (0%)
YES - I have current only nVIDIA GPUs, but if the performance is higher I will buy ATI GPUs
1 (20%)
Maybe - I have current only nVIDIA GPUs, but if the performance is higher I will think about to buy ATI GPUs
1 (20%)
NO - I don't have an ATI GPU, I will calculate only on my nVIDIA GPU
2 (40%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Author Topic: - POLL - : SETI@home on ATI GPU - you have, or you will buy an ATI GPU?  (Read 28001 times)

Sutaru Tsureku

  • Guest
AFAIK, the new BOINC DEV-V6.10.x support ATI GPUs.

I'm not up-to-date, it will be possible to crunch soon SETI@home WUs also on ATI GPUs?
If yes, when? ;)

And, who make this difficult/hard coding?

How will be the performance of the ATI GPUs?
From reports in the internet I read that they have double or much more GFLOPS as the nVIDIA GPUs.

Maybe interesting for the coder/SETI@home crew.. made a poll with this thread.  :)

Sutaru Tsureku

  • Guest
Thanks a lot for voting! :)

But now I get the idea.. after posting about the poll here at the SETI@home forum.. that somebody could make funny things.. vote two times.. here anonymous and there public..

So.. sorry.. please vote ONLY in the SETI@home forum..
If you voted already here.. please vote also in the SETI@home thread. I'm sorry..  :-[

I guess everybody have an account at SETI@home.. ;)

So I close the poll here.
« Last Edit: 12 Sep 2009, 07:06:28 pm by Sutaru Tsureku »

Sutaru Tsureku

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..also I extended the poll in the SETI@home forum/thread with number IX. ..

Sutaru Tsureku

  • Guest
AFAIK, the new BOINC DEV-V6.10.x support ATI GPUs.

I'm not up-to-date, it will be possible to crunch soon SETI@home WUs also on ATI GPUs?
If yes, when? ;)

And, who make this difficult/hard coding?

How will be the performance of the ATI GPUs?
From reports in the internet I read that they have double or much more GFLOPS as the nVIDIA GPUs.

But maybe someone (of the opt. crew) could answer this..?

Thanks! :)

Offline Jason G

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Hi Sutaru, [Posting on SaH thread]
   Myself I don't have an ATi GPU ...So my vote has to be "III. NO - I don't have an ATI GPU"...   well actually I do have some ancient AGP cards in a box somewhere that are not up to modern standards, so wouldn't work.  I do know there are at least a couple of us that do have more modern cards of that brand.  My GPU acquisitions have come from either kind friends, or the scrapheap, due to financial limitations.  I find it very difficult to justify, for my own situation, to buy a large card that will use lots of power, and need me to upgrade power supply etc.

IMO a multibeam port to Ati GPU would be difficult, not impossible.  Maybe OpenCL will help the convergence of builds, reducing the duplication of effort among brands.  Experience with that language though, takes as much time to learn as any other language though. 

There are technical challenges in working with GPU code & hardware we're all still coming to grips with. Perhaps over time the picture will change, though I doubt it would be quickly.  That's partly because of some specific technical challenges with the multibeam algorithms, mapping to new hardware. Time limitations, AFAIK, play some part for all of us, as well as hardware costs & development support tool/library/language capabilities & quality have been described as limited by some who've tried.  That slows things down.
« Last Edit: 13 Sep 2009, 02:17:52 am by Jason G »

Offline cristipurdel

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I have an old 2600 XT desktop card and a relative has a 3470 mobile card just waiting to crunch. On my 4650 mobility I'm folding at 98%, and I would love to crunch with the other cards, for seti. Since SETI has so many optimizations, the move towards an ati application seams logical. Plus the 6.10.x x64 client, running on collatz, gives too many errors, and seti would be ok if you have older cards, and you don't have to worry that you cannot finish a task in time (speaking of course about folding).


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Sorry but I don't understand how to vote.
I do login but I don't see any button to press, using firefox on win-xp-home


Offline arkayn

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The vote is being run in the thread on the SETI forums.

Offline cristipurdel

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Any news on the ATI applications, maybe start a new thread for closed or open beta?

Offline Raistmer

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Any news on the ATI applications, maybe start a new thread for closed or open beta?
What ATI GPU you have?

Offline cristipurdel

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mobility 4650 on win 7 x64 with Cat 9.7 (I'm using what's available from win update, don't want to manual install the drivers)

Offline Raistmer

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mobility 4650 on win 7 x64 with Cat 9.7 (I'm using what's available from win update, don't want to manual install the drivers)
Catalyst 9.2 or less required if you want do alpha testing.

Offline Raistmer

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mobility 4650 on win 7 x64 with Cat 9.7 (I'm using what's available from win update, don't want to manual install the drivers)

From SETI main forums I know that also you have lesser GPUs doing nothing now.
2. It's really a waste that I cannot fold on the other cards, especially if I could limit the gpu usage somehow to go unnoticed, but still crunch better than the cpu version.
You could join alpha testing with these lesses GPUs if requirement of Catalyst <=9.2 is acceptable for that hosts.

Offline corsair

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mobility 4650 on win 7 x64 with Cat 9.7 (I'm using what's available from win update, don't want to manual install the drivers)
Catalyst 9.2 or less required if you want do alpha testing.

one computer upgraded:
win xp x64 SP2 (MUI Spaniard)
Athlon x2
ATI HD 3850 Driver and CCC 9.2 installed

I'm willing to do Alpha, Beta ... Omega testing ;)

now running with this computer MW ATI 0.20 x64 (like a thunderstrom)
Over the sailors' graves never groves grass.

Cheers all / Corsair.


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I can do alpha testing if you want

WinXP 32 bit
HD4870 and 9800gtx+   in the same PC


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