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Author Topic: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications  (Read 96572 times)

Offline zvonas

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #75 on: 24 Oct 2009, 03:30:37 pm »
Now it's perfect Urs!  8) I am waiting for my second machine (Dual Dual-core Opteron 265) to report SSE3 237 WUs compared to SSE2 237:
„Nikdy se nebojme vzdát se dobrého pro lepší.“

Offline Urs Echternacht

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #76 on: 24 Oct 2009, 05:15:11 pm »
Now it's perfect Urs!  8) I am waiting for my second machine (Dual Dual-core Opteron 265) to report SSE3 237 WUs compared to SSE2 237:
Aha, i see, Opteron is doing not so good with SSE2. Needs some patience now to see, if SSE3 will work better on that host.
U r s

Offline zvonas

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #77 on: 27 Oct 2009, 10:10:29 am »
Now it's perfect Urs!  8) I am waiting for my second machine (Dual Dual-core Opteron 265) to report SSE3 237 WUs compared to SSE2 237:
Aha, i see, Opteron is doing not so good with SSE2. Needs some patience now to see, if SSE3 will work better on that host.
It seems that SSE3 static linked runs much better:
164,590.40 seconds versus ca 200,000.00 seconds in ver 236 SSE2
Good work Urs;-)
„Nikdy se nebojme vzdát se dobrého pro lepší.“


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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #78 on: 27 Oct 2009, 11:21:26 am »
Ah, you managed to statically link fftw3, Urs? My times has shortened by 25-30%. Out op APs now though...

Offline Urs Echternacht

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #79 on: 27 Oct 2009, 01:00:35 pm »
Sweet!  :) Nice crunch-times pp and zvonas.

Now to get back to the topic of this thread : OpenBSD 64bit app is in the works, too.
U r s

Offline zvonas

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #80 on: 06 Jan 2010, 03:02:59 pm »
Hi !
As far as there are not many AP workunits available for long time (even though I have set the preferences to get maximum of them), my FreeBSD x64 server is very often idle for long time. Is there any chance that someone (Urs  ;)) will compile Alex Kan's port for normal - multibeam - workunits for FreeBSD? I would very appreciate this.

Thanx in advance.

„Nikdy se nebojme vzdát se dobrého pro lepší.“

Offline sunu

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #81 on: 06 Jan 2010, 04:18:38 pm »

Offline zvonas

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #82 on: 06 Jan 2010, 04:29:01 pm »
They do not run on 64 bit version, could someone recompile them please?
„Nikdy se nebojme vzdát se dobrého pro lepší.“

Offline Urs Echternacht

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #83 on: 07 Jan 2010, 04:23:20 am »
They do not run on 64 bit version, could someone recompile them please?
Ahh, you do not have the 32bit runtime for x86_64 installed, is that ?
U r s

Offline zvonas

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #84 on: 07 Jan 2010, 06:12:36 am »
Yes, I have it there. But the 32bit SSE3 application (2.4_FreeBSD_SSE3.tar.gz) says on my AMD Opteron:
Fatal Error : This program was not built to run on the processor in you system

However my Opterons are SSE3 capable... The application is Intel only?
« Last Edit: 07 Jan 2010, 06:14:52 am by zvonas »
„Nikdy se nebojme vzdát se dobrého pro lepší.“

Offline zvonas

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #85 on: 07 Jan 2010, 06:32:00 am »
Here is short log of what happens :(:
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Processor: 4 amd64 Dual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 265 [] [sse sse2 sse3 3dnow 3dnowext mmx]
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Processor features:
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] OS: FreeBSD: 7.2-RELEASE-p4
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Memory: 1011.48 MB physical, 0 bytes virtual
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Disk: 3.87 GB total, 1.94 GB free
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Local time is UTC +1 hours
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Not using a proxy
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Can't load library libcudart
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] No coprocessors
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [SETI@home] URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/9 Computer ID: 5108564; location: school; project prefs: school
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 05-Nov-2009 20:28:30)
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Computer location: school
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] General prefs: using separate prefs for school
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Preferences limit memory usage when active to 1011.48MB
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 1011.48MB
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Preferences limit disk usage to 1.96GB
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [SETI@home] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.  Requesting 5529600 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
07-Jan-2010 12:26:41 [SETI@home] Scheduler request completed: got 57 new tasks
07-Jan-2010 12:26:43 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.175
07-Jan-2010 12:26:43 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.161
07-Jan-2010 12:26:49 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.175
07-Jan-2010 12:26:49 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.161
07-Jan-2010 12:26:49 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.167
07-Jan-2010 12:26:49 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.142
07-Jan-2010 12:26:50 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.175_0
07-Jan-2010 12:26:50 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.175_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:26:50 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.161_1
07-Jan-2010 12:26:50 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.161_1 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:26:51 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.161_1 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:26:51 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.161_1_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.161_1 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:26:52 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.175_0 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:26:52 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.175_0_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.175_0 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:26:53 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.167
07-Jan-2010 12:26:53 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.8
07-Jan-2010 12:26:54 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.142
07-Jan-2010 12:26:54 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.197
07-Jan-2010 12:26:54 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.167_0
07-Jan-2010 12:26:54 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.167_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:26:55 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.167_0 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:26:55 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.167_0_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.167_0 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:26:55 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.142_1
07-Jan-2010 12:26:55 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.142_1 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:26:57 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.8
07-Jan-2010 12:26:57 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.197
07-Jan-2010 12:26:57 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.113
07-Jan-2010 12:26:57 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.69
07-Jan-2010 12:26:57 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.142_1 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:26:57 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.142_1_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.142_1 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:26:58 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.8_0
07-Jan-2010 12:26:58 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.8_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:26:58 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.197_1
07-Jan-2010 12:26:58 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.197_1 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:26:59 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.197_1 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:26:59 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.197_1_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.197_1 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:00 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.8_0 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:00 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.8_0_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.8_0 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:02 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.113
07-Jan-2010 12:27:02 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.69
07-Jan-2010 12:27:02 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.154
07-Jan-2010 12:27:02 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.164
07-Jan-2010 12:27:03 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.113_1
07-Jan-2010 12:27:03 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.113_1 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:27:03 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.69_0
07-Jan-2010 12:27:03 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.69_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:27:04 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.69_0 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:04 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.69_0_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.69_0 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:05 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.113_1 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:05 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.113_1_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.113_1 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:06 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.164
07-Jan-2010 12:27:06 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.181
07-Jan-2010 12:27:07 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.154
07-Jan-2010 12:27:07 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.146
07-Jan-2010 12:27:07 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.164_1
07-Jan-2010 12:27:07 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.164_1 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:27:08 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.164_1 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:08 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.164_1_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.164_1 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:08 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.154_0
07-Jan-2010 12:27:08 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.154_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:27:10 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.181
07-Jan-2010 12:27:10 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.146
07-Jan-2010 12:27:10 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.83
07-Jan-2010 12:27:10 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.209
07-Jan-2010 12:27:10 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.154_0 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:10 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.154_0_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.154_0 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:11 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.181_1
07-Jan-2010 12:27:11 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.181_1 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:27:11 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.146_0
07-Jan-2010 12:27:11 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.146_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:27:12 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.146_0 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:12 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.146_0_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.146_0 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:13 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.181_1 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:13 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.181_1_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.181_1 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:15 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.83
07-Jan-2010 12:27:15 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.209
07-Jan-2010 12:27:15 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.205
07-Jan-2010 12:27:15 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.215
07-Jan-2010 12:27:16 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.83_0
07-Jan-2010 12:27:16 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.83_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:27:16 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.209_0
07-Jan-2010 12:27:16 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.209_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:27:17 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.209_0 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:17 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.209_0_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.209_0 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:18 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.83_0 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:18 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.83_0_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.83_0 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:20 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.205
07-Jan-2010 12:27:20 [SETI@home] Finished download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.215
07-Jan-2010 12:27:20 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.187
07-Jan-2010 12:27:20 [SETI@home] Started download of 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.218
07-Jan-2010 12:27:21 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.205_0
07-Jan-2010 12:27:21 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.205_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:27:21 [SETI@home] Starting 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.215_0
07-Jan-2010 12:27:21 [SETI@home] Starting task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.215_0 using setiathome_enhanced version 521
07-Jan-2010 12:27:22 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.215_0 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:22 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.215_0_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.215_0 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:23 [SETI@home] Computation for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.205_0 finished
07-Jan-2010 12:27:23 [SETI@home] Output file 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.205_0_0 for task 25fe07aa.7659.5798.6.10.205_0 absent
07-Jan-2010 12:27:24 [---] Received signal 15
07-Jan-2010 12:27:24 [---] Exit requested by user
„Nikdy se nebojme vzdát se dobrého pro lepší.“

Offline Urs Echternacht

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #86 on: 07 Jan 2010, 06:06:03 pm »
...|SETI@home|Found app_info.xml; using anonymous platform
Was that line there ?

Sorry, but building a more actual Multibeam app for FreeBSD is not that easy. I'm not yet done with the work for Multibeam on linux, which is my primary concern.
U r s

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #87 on: 07 Jan 2010, 09:53:35 pm »
...|SETI@home|Found app_info.xml; using anonymous platform
Was that line there ?

I do not see it in that rundown.

Offline zvonas

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #88 on: 08 Jan 2010, 09:03:13 am »
These are the top lines:
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Starting BOINC client version 6.4.5 for x86_64-pc-freebsd
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Libraries: libcurl/7.19.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8e zlib/1.2.3
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Running as a daemon
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [---] Data directory: /opt/boinc
07-Jan-2010 12:26:36 [SETI@home] Found app_info.xml; using anonymous platform
„Nikdy se nebojme vzdát se dobrého pro lepší.“

Offline zvonas

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Re: Open BSD i386 Seti@HOME Applications
« Reply #89 on: 24 Jun 2010, 12:20:47 pm »
Hi, is there a schedule for building FREEBSD 32bit Astropulse application? Thank you. Pavel
„Nikdy se nebojme vzdát se dobrého pro lepší.“


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