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Author Topic: GTX 295 downclocking  (Read 11678 times)


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GTX 295 downclocking
« on: 11 Aug 2009, 02:33:48 pm »
Im having problems with my GTX 295, as it downclock severely after a while processing, without any apparent reason. Same OS and drivers as my 250s and 9600s, wich donīt do that (win XP 32 SP2 / 190.38 nvidia driver).
The only way to fire the thing up again is rebooting the system.
Not GPU clock or temperature related (63°C when full), because it happens on standart and overclocked speeds.
Any tip?
I hear something related to drivers, but I dont have the option to keep it full speed on XP drivers.

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Offline MarkJ

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Re: GTX 295 downclocking
« Reply #2 on: 15 Aug 2009, 02:40:21 am »
Im having problems with my GTX 295, as it downclock severely after a while processing, without any apparent reason. Same OS and drivers as my 250s and 9600s, wich donīt do that (win XP 32 SP2 / 190.38 nvidia driver).
The only way to fire the thing up again is rebooting the system.
Not GPU clock or temperature related (63°C when full), because it happens on standart and overclocked speeds.
Any tip?
I hear something related to drivers, but I dont have the option to keep it full speed on XP drivers.

Its an issue with the G200-based cards. The GTS250's use the G92 chip and 9600's (don't recall the chip they have, might be the G88). Apparently something to do with the power management deciding its not doing anything so it downclocks to save power.


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Re: GTX 295 downclocking
« Reply #3 on: 15 Aug 2009, 08:08:39 am »
Yes. But it is really broken, as it slowdown everytime when full load. Its unbeliveable that you buy a so expensive video card and canīt have control over it. Rivatuner itīs not working for me. All I can hope it nvidia introduce the power management control option in the very next drivers. Its the minimun they should do.

Offline efmer (fred)

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Re: GTX 295 downclocking
« Reply #4 on: 16 Aug 2009, 03:49:01 pm »
Yes. But it is really broken, as it slowdown everytime when full load. Its unbeliveable that you buy a so expensive video card and canīt have control over it. Rivatuner itīs not working for me. All I can hope it nvidia introduce the power management control option in the very next drivers. Its the minimun they should do.
How did you check this? Do you have a 2 PCB or 1 PCB version?
There is a performance menu in the NVIDIA control panel. There I see no differences on  a Vista or XP system.
And the temperatures are about the same.
In this menu you can also change the clocks and set the fans
TThrottle Keep your temperatures controlled.
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