Any 256+ series driver installed ( 260.99 seems good ) will be enough for 0.37 . Cuda 3.2 builds won't be released until sometime after nVidia relase one witnout the RC tag, and some worthwhile imrovements can be added.
For CUDA 2.3 and prior there were specific dll's etc to install. I didn't see that for V3.x. Has this changed while I was busy ranching?Tnx Art
OpenCL 1.1 conformance tests have not been run with this version of the ATI Catalyst Driver Suite in conjunction with the ATI Stream SDK v2.2. If you require an OpenCL 1.1 conformant driver, we recommend that you install the ATI Catalyst 10.10 Driver Suite
Somebody at GPUGrid has noticed that the Cuda 3.2 toolkit is also available for general download - a coincidence . Haven't gone looking for any matching drivers yet.
must have been in the last 36h. I checked yesterday. 260.99 are 3.2 compatible, 258.96 looks like it isn't.
Are you sure about those drivers? The developer drivers linked with the toolkit are up to 263.06 for desktops, though still at 260.99 for notebooks. Probably best to wait until the dust has settled in the morning before making any definitive recommendations.
16-Nov-2010 14:54:53 [---] NVIDIA GPU 0: Quadro FX 570M (driver version 25896, CUDA version 3010, compute capability 1.1, 242MB, 61 GFLOPS peak)17/11/2010 17:41:35 | | NVIDIA GPU 0: Quadro FX 570M (driver version 26099, CUDA version 3020, compute capability 1.1, 242MB, 61 GFLOPS peak)
The developer drivers linked with the toolkit are up to 263.06 for desktops, though still at 260.99 for notebooks. Probably best to wait until the dust has settled in the morning before making any definitive recommendations.