Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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And already a new Nvidia driver is out, this time bumping version to 344.60 and WHQL certified.

Good thing because I had drivers restarts with 344.48 on a GTX660 when playing youtube videos, OpenCL/Cuda processing was running fine though.

Will test and let you know.

Back to 340.42 for me on an Nvidia GTX 660. Was getting major screen corruption and crashes when running GPUGRID tasks (SETI being out of tasks currently) with 344.60.

Anyone still crunching on an ATI 6670 card ? What drivers are you running?

I'm having issues with recent Catalyst and Seti@home beta that insists on sending me tasks labeled with _cat132 (like opencl_ati5_cat132).
These tasks usually crash video card driver in a matter of minutes and causes the BOINC job to just sit there and wait forever.
Some of them do complete successfully but it's far too unpredictable.

Lunactic's very own optimized apps run just fine on this card. For now I have disable AMD task in my SETI@home beta preferences.

Host ID:
(and yes this is host mixing intel iGPU, Nvidia and AMD ;) )


--- Quote from: benool on 24 Nov 2014, 05:42:18 am ---Anyone still crunching on an ATI 6670 card ? What drivers are you running?

I'm having issues with recent Catalyst and Seti@home beta that insists on sending me tasks labeled with _cat132 (like opencl_ati5_cat132).
These tasks usually crash video card driver in a matter of minutes and causes the BOINC job to just sit there and wait forever.
Some of them do complete successfully but it's far too unpredictable.

Lunactic's very own optimized apps run just fine on this card. For now I have disable AMD task in my SETI@home beta preferences.

Host ID:
(and yes this is host mixing intel iGPU, Nvidia and AMD ;) )

--- End quote ---

Try Cat 13.12.


--- Quote from: benool on 24 Nov 2014, 05:42:18 am ---Anyone still crunching on an ATI 6670 card ? What drivers are you running?

I'm having issues with recent Catalyst and Seti@home beta that insists on sending me tasks labeled with _cat132 (like opencl_ati5_cat132).
These tasks usually crash video card driver in a matter of minutes and causes the BOINC job to just sit there and wait forever.
Some of them do complete successfully but it's far too unpredictable.

Lunactic's very own optimized apps run just fine on this card. For now I have disable AMD task in my SETI@home beta preferences.

Host ID:
(and yes this is host mixing intel iGPU, Nvidia and AMD ;) )

--- End quote ---
Try deleting the compilations for the opencl_ati_cat132 app, and let the app generate new ones.

Have you tried restarting the host? It was working with that app version two weeks ago.

Have you freed any CPU cores?



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