Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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Thanks for pointing out new optimized apps were available. I missed that completely.

Have updated the apps, and it is running fine, on 12.6 that is. Not really in the mood the try again.

Nvidia 320.14 (beta) have just become available in the last 24 hours and appear stable so far.


--- Quote from: benool on 11 May 2013, 04:48:26 am ---Nothing particular namely being on the desktop, watching a youtube video etc could already lead to driver restart/BSODs.
Leaving SETI running overnight, I found the host had rebooted again.

Tested Cat 13.1 and it seems to have broken OpenCL altogether.

And.......back to 12.6 where all works fine as before.

Host is

--- End quote ---

I have with these drivers had no problems  ::)

Richard Haselgrove:
NVIDIA 320.18 (WHQL) drivers released.

"Includes support for applications built using CUDA 5.5"


--- Quote from: Richard Haselgrove on 24 May 2013, 02:38:44 am ---NVIDIA 320.18 (WHQL) drivers released.

"Includes support for applications built using CUDA 5.5"

--- End quote ---
The 320.00 drivers had CUDA 5.5 Support too.



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