Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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Urs Echternacht:

--- Quote from: Urs Echternacht on 31 Jan 2013, 07:40:55 am ---Just finished test with Catalyst 13.2 beta3 on 64bit openSuSE Linux : The driver crashes have stopped, no more rebooting of the host is necessary now. But the OpenCL compiler still refuses to make binaries from our kernels. It finishes on my SBi5 with a HD7750 right away with the error message : "Internal error: Compilation failed."
So, lets hope for something better ...  :-\

--- End quote ---
Tested Catalyst 13.2 beta7 today (on i7IB host), but can't report an progress. Same issue like before!!  >:(

Urs, can you cut file down kernel by kernel to see where compiler crashes?
Having precise location will help in debuggiong a lot.

EDIT: Also, please make reports of each you attempt on AMD site too. While they looking into our issues we should provide as much info as we can. And maybe they will find fix...

Urs Echternacht:
Will see what i can do.

314.21 beta available.

Richard Haselgrove:
And now v314.22 WHQL. That should be the official fixed version for OpenCL on TITAN.


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