Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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Richard Haselgrove:

--- Quote from: M_M on 31 Aug 2012, 02:34:58 pm ---I just replaced cuda 3.2 with cuda 4.1 dll's in x41g (in app_info.xml). Not sure this is the right way, but it seems working ok for now...

If this is not a right way, then I probably need a new build...
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Check using Process Explorer exactly which DLLs are being used, and where they are being loaded from. You may be surprised - I certainly was, the first time I loaded a CUDA application which could not possibly have worked (as yours can't) - but found that it did.

According to Process Explorer, it seems to be using cuda from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\nvcuda.dll, which is Cuda 5.0.1 from 305.68 drivers.

Richard Haselgrove:

--- Quote from: M_M on 02 Sep 2012, 01:51:57 am ---According to Process Explorer, it seems to be using cuda from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\nvcuda.dll, which is Cuda 5.0.1 from 305.68 drivers.
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The ones which matter are CUDART and CUFFT.

Nowadays, these DLLs are 'strictly versioned': Dependency Walker will confirm that x41g depends on


It is difficult (but possible) to use alternative versions, because of cross-dependencies, but I suspect x41g will have found what it needs and will still be using it, in spite of your changes to app_info.

Shore loeaves are over  :'( :'( and just in the airport to take a flight to the ship in Liverpool, UK.

now I won't be able to test new drivers at home until near X-Mas.

cheers all untill next leaves  ;)

New NVIDIA WHQL Drivers are out: 306.23.

Downloading now. ;)

Regards, Patrick.


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