Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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That's true it seems, i've tried and it doesn't work unfortunately.
But i also think that Cuda 3.0 is more or less directed towards upcoming Fermi architecture cards and i suspect that if you run Cuda 3.0 with non fermi hardware it will not speedup so much more than 2.3 can deliver.
All the advantages with 3.0 will be directed towards Fermi cards so nVidia probably can sell more hardware.

Regards Vyper

Nvidia has stated numerous times that cuda is not only a software thing (just extensions to a programming language) but a combination of software-hardware. And since Fermi is a new architecture bearing a new cuda version (3.0), it is more than likely that previous hardware won't benefit much if anything at all.

I found this on another site..

"Return values are as for all other cufftPlanXxx functions. Thus to plan
   a batch of 1000, 2D, double-precision, complex-to-complex transforms of
   size (128, 256), you would do:

       cufftHandle *myplan;
       cufftPlanMany(myplan, 2, { 128, 256 }, NULL, 1, 0, NULL, 1, 0, CUFFT_Z2Z, 1000);

   Note that for CUFFT 3.0, the layout of batched data must be side-by-side
   and not interleaved. The inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride and
   odist parameters are for enabling data windowing and interleaving in a
   future version."

A recompile and correction of the code seems to make the FFT part working in Cuda 3.0..

Kind regards Vyper

Jason G:
Cheers for the warning... be some time before we need that, but handy.  (While Cuda 3.0 SDK is in registered developer status, it's indeed offering little worth to us until new hardware is released )

it is for free download for now ....


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