Need a tip please : How do i turn that watchdog system in win7 off ?
I'm thinking on what has become my yearly upgrade. This year I think it will be just a new GPU. What's the advice on the most cost effective, and project effective, GPU right now?Thanks Art
Quote from: Urs Echternacht on 15 Dec 2011, 04:49:42 pmNeed a tip please : How do i turn that watchdog system in win7 off ?Urs if you're referring to User account control go here:Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\User AccountsChoose "Change User Account Control Settings". Set it to minimum for no nagging, or a position of your choice.If you meant the so-called "god mode" here's one link of many with instructions: instant access to all those things now hidden in W7 that were more accessible in XP.RegardsArt
I expect Urs was looking for control of the 2 seconds a GPU kernel can run before Windows thinks it has hung and forces a reinitialization. He's probably already found it, but the MSDN Timeout Detection and Recovery of GPUs through WDDM article defines the registry keys and how they interact. A web search for TdrDelay or TdrLevel turns up many pertinent discussions with advice. Joe
And 560 TI if you have the skills to control it.regards Mike
Mike can you elaborate on "...skills to control it." ? What is it that needs controlling? Maybe there's a link to a discussion here? Today I just about decided on 560Ti or, if I can't "control it" a 460.
Has anyone tried crunching now a days with SLI connector attached and enabled? Does it work now?
What PSU do you have running that host?, I'd expect at least 800 Watt PSU is required,Claggy