Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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Has anyone tried crunching now a days with SLI connector attached and enabled? Does it work now?

efmer (fred):

--- Quote from: glennaxl on 04 Dec 2011, 09:41:51 pm ---Has anyone tried crunching now a days with SLI connector attached and enabled? Does it work now?

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Not with with my cards, My 590 got real upset with SLI enabled.

For all ATI AGP(like mine HD4670) cards driver 11.11 is available
Last Updated
hoping this works with ap_5.06_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATI_r521.exe

did anyone tried with AGP ?



--- Quote from: _heinz on 06 Dec 2011, 03:53:52 pm ---For all ATI AGP(like mine HD4670) cards driver 11.11 is available
Last Updated
hoping this works with ap_5.06_win_x86_SSE2_OpenCL_ATI_r521.exe

did anyone tried with AGP ?


--- End quote ---
It should work, Treasurer has an AGP HD4650, and has found a combination of drivers/SDK that work:

All tasks for computer 6052896

Unfortuently my AGP HD4650 only has an XP3200+ CPU with only SSE, (SSE2 needed) so no OpenCL support there  :(



--- Quote from: Mike on 04 Dec 2011, 09:06:07 am ---11.11 drivers are incompatible with the OpenCL apps.
You can try 11.9 for example.

Did you check workgroup size of the 3850 ?
If its only 128 those apps won´t work.


--- End quote ---

tried new patch no success,
ATI HD 3850 Bus width 256 / Memory size 512 MB GDDR3

09/12/2011 22:51:45 | PrimeGrid | Starting task pps_sr2sieve_37555536_2 using pps_sr2sieve version 138
09/12/2011 22:51:49 | PrimeGrid | Computation for task pps_sr2sieve_37555536_2 finished
09/12/2011 22:51:49 | PrimeGrid | Output file pps_sr2sieve_37555536_2_0 for task pps_sr2sieve_37555536_2 absent

BOINCTasks report:
Calculation Error (-150,)

I don't know what is the problem, but this card works in another computers and not in this since the very 1st time I assembly the computer, for the first time was working fine, after I exchanged to the Nvidia 9800 and because of one problem with this I come back to the ATI, and no way of crunching, after deleting, un-installing, etc.

later I fit the Nvidia GTX460 and no problem, now the Nvidia has one fan broken and overheat, so to Tech service and exchanged again for the ATI and no way of crunching in this computer. ??


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