Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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--- Quote from: perryjay on 20 Apr 2011, 09:52:50 am ---One more little note, I tried installing 266.58 over the 270 before I uninstalled and that didn't work either.

--- End quote ---

The Clean Install option does work as that is what I did on my system.

So far no problems for me. I'm over clocked, over volted, and charging up the hill, with temps not even slightly being a problem. No errors other than the occaisional -12 error. This water cooling thing is beyond excellent! It bullet proofs your ability to over heat, unless of catastrophic failure, which would be very, very rare.


Yep, went for the clean install option and all looks goods.  Two overclocked 460's ticking along nicely with no increase in temperature or errors.

No performance increase or decrease.

Well, until I see some glowing reports about increased crunching production, I'll stick with the 257.21 and 266.58 drivers that are working great for me on a mix of 200 and 400 series cards.

Mmmm three unexplained driver crashes in the last 12 hours.  Anybody else seeing this ???


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