Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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--- Quote from: Jason G on 21 Jan 2011, 12:35:15 pm ---
--- Quote from: M_M on 19 Jan 2011, 12:17:40 pm ---266.58 WHQL drivers are out...

Btw, does anyone know how come that GTX460 is compute capability 2.1, and newer few month newer GTX570/GTX580 only compute capability 2.0? Is nVidia going backwards???

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Compute capability mainly differentiates 2 things, The instruction set & compute geometry.  Although they have the same instructions, 2.1 as used in the 460 is different to the cuda core configuration used in the 470/480/570/580 , which is 2.0.  Basically the 460 has extra warp schedulers & a few minor differences, while 2.0 covered the complete original Fermi design. 

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Thanks. I knew that 470/480 were "older" design then 460, however I (wrongly) assumed that 570/580 would be at least same or newer design then 460...

Jason G:

--- Quote from: M_M on 21 Jan 2011, 12:48:49 pm ---Thanks. I knew that 470/480 were "older" design then 460, however I (wrongly) assumed that 570/580 would be at least same or newer design then 460...

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It's only *slightly* more complicated  by things, in that the original full Fermi design is for supercompute, whereas the 460 strips some stuff out & adds other bits to make games go faster.  The 570/580 is a 'newer' design, but has the full original Fermi layout, with the 460's memory controller & power enhancements, none of which relate to the compute geometry being optimised for games.

Notice 'slighlty' more power consumption on my top two rigs after the update........
Maybe a couple percent.....

But, that equates to more crunching.

Thanks again, Jason.

For Win 7 64, the new driver is working smoothly. Like Mark said, there is a slight increase in power usage. I migrated up from 260.99. I have no ill side effects.



--- Quote from: SciManStev on 21 Jan 2011, 04:34:47 pm ---For Win 7 64, the new driver is working smoothly. Like Mark said, there is a slight increase in power usage. I migrated up from 260.99. I have no ill side effects.


--- End quote ---
Thanks Steve....
Good to know that your results were the same as mine.


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