Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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Purple Rabbit:
I didn't see any speed up after my update to 190 and 2.3 dll  (sample size of 3). I'm still getting about 45 minutes (wall clock time) for the GPU and 1:20 hours for the CPU (Q6600). I suspect my 8600GTS is doing all it can. It may have changed a minute or so, but I don't watch it that closely so I can't tell.

Where can I download the nanobots to upgrade my 8600GTS to infinite speed?  ;D


On a GTX260 I just did a shorty in 1minute 20 seconds wall time... an improvement of... 2.1x faster!!
Now the question is... are they valid??
It seems almost too good to be true



--- Quote from: popandbob on 23 Jul 2009, 04:25:32 am ---On a GTX260 I just did a shorty in 1minute 20 seconds wall time... an improvement of... 2.1x faster!!
Now the question is... are they valid??
It seems almost too good to be true

--- End quote ---

Yes, unfortunately berkeley has switched off the tasks pages and we can't check.


--- Quote from: Purple Rabbit on 22 Jul 2009, 06:18:57 pm ---I didn't see any speed up after my update to 190 and 2.3 dll  (sample size of 3). I'm still getting about 45 minutes (wall clock time) for the GPU and 1:20 hours for the CPU (Q6600). I suspect my 8600GTS is doing all it can. It may have changed a minute or so, but I don't watch it that closely so I can't tell.

Where can I download the nanobots to upgrade my 8600GTS to infinite speed?  ;D


--- End quote ---

Did you update the cufft and cudart.dll's in the projects\setiathome folder? If not then you'd still be running the older cuda version (whichever one you had previously).

Sorry, I miss that for sure but...Where can I get the needed files?


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