Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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Hmmm, interesting.

Ok, I took Richard's renamed files, copied them and renamed the copies back to the original 32_30_14.dll and put all four into my SAH folder. This time nothing errored out but one work unit that had started before I did this would not restart. I let it try for two or three minutes but the percent did not move. I suspended that one and the next in line started with no problem. For grins, I suspended that one and it went back to the first one. Again, after about two minutes it still had not started so I aborted it. It picked up on the second one where it had left off and is running fine so far.  As for speed, I seem to have sped up a few seconds with this new driver so I guess I shall stay with it.

Sutaru Tsureku:
Ohh well, maybe a stupid question.. :-[

How should look the app_info.xml?
What's needed to mentioned?

This would be well?

--- Code: ---.
--- End code ---
The same in the <file_ref> part?

Or I need to insert the other 2 file names, cudart32_30_14.dll and cudafft32_30_14.dll ?

Thanks! :)

BTW. Maybe we would see more speed up, if the current MB_6.08_CUDA_V12_app would be new compiled with the new CUDA V3.0 toolkit/or other prog?
I guess in near future it should be done for the new Fermi chips, or? But if we would see also speed up with the 'old' hardware?

Your is OK, you dont need to change anything. It will work fine.

Sutaru Tsureku:
The .dll files must be named:

The fft files without 'da'!

If you write cudafft.., you will trash your DLed WUs.

Hey guys..
I thought I'm stupid.. I'm crazy..
I done this and this, tested this and tested this..
CUDA V3.0 didn't worked.

Then I 'installed' the CUDA toolkit V3.0 and saw that the .dll file is named different.
Like the CUDA V2.x .dll's.

Next time I'll not believe all immediately what I read.. ;)

Now it work 197.13 and CUDA V3.0.14 .
Will look how the calculation times are..

You only need to duplicate the RT.
So it would be like this:
copy of cudart32_30_14.dll -> rename to cudart.dll
cufft32_30_14.dll -> rename to cufft.dll

Here's some good stuff. Some improvement (1%-2%) with 197.13 compared to my last test.

driver : 197.13
CPU: 100%
GPU: gtx 295 core 0

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