Forum > GPU crunching

Latest drivers (NVidia and ATI)

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do you have any idea what is causing the optimized app to thrash.  currently i'm running the v.2 installer i believe.  what is the opt cuda MB build?
what is the speed difference between the stock seti cuda app and the optimized app, would four stock threads be faster then two optimized apps; what about the extra power for running four threads?

opt app reduces CPU load time (importand for fast GPU cards - less idle time) + has some tweaking of threshold where one or another pulcefinding kernel used.
+ few more little modification positively affecting speed.

Why it can result in driver crash - maybe because of changed threshold.

x4 build will lock each instance on separate core. It could help with GPU feeding in multi-GPU environment.

Another possibility of crash - AFAIK last available build from installer was compiled against CUDA 2.2 SDK, not 2.3 one. Usually it doesn't matters but maybe there is some subtle sync issue that shows up only on heavely loaded systems... Maybe it's worth to do build refresh versus SDK 2.3

Sutaru Tsureku:
Maybe it's possible that someone DL the CUDA toolkit and publish only the CUDA V3.0 .dll's?


Maybe officially - someone of the opt. crew and here in the DL area?

Thanks! :)

BTW. nVIDIA driver 197.13 is already available.

Richard Haselgrove:

Sutaru Tsureku:

--- Quote from: Richard Haselgrove on 02 Apr 2010, 04:35:58 pm ---Why?

--- End quote ---

For to make an 'easy test' of CUDA V3.0 and the newest nVIDIA driver..

Why to install a whole toolkit if I need only the two CUDA .dll's?


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