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Author Topic: Installer Flushes all S@H WUs with error  (Read 8162 times)


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Installer Flushes all S@H WUs with error
« on: 19 Jul 2009, 05:18:12 am »
If you install the new optimized apps with the installer exactly as directed, it flushes all the WUs with this error: "19-Jul-2009 02:08:56 [SETI@home] [error] No app version for result: windows_intelx86 608."  276 WUs all in error.   If you stop Boinc, run the installer, edit app_info.xml to duplicate the <app_version>

section and change the versiion to 603, and restart Boinc, it does not flush the WUs, but it won't run any CUDA WUs either.  It just sits there keeping 4 CPUs busy and the GPU idle.  This is true even if I edit the client_state.xml file to make some of the <workunit>s version 608.  Boinc changes it back to 603.  I have spent over 4 hours fooling with this, and still it will not use the GPU.  I believe that it is waiting for 608 WUs, but I can't be sure.  With the S@H server in its present screwed up state, downloading any 608 WUs is impossible.  Why won't the new client process version 603 WUs?   Thanks for all your hard work.

Offline Jason G

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Re: Installer Flushes all S@H WUs with error
« Reply #1 on: 19 Jul 2009, 05:30:31 am »
Hi there,
 The windows_intelx86 app/task/platform error implies that your previous app_info setup was a custom one including platform tags.  If so, this is a known issue where Boinc flushes the tasks (Not the installer!), that unfortunately seems unavoidable, there is not a known smooth migration for such customised installations (yet).

Potential migration issues outside the scope of the installer, are why this is in the FAQ:
Q: What should I do now?
A: If you have read & understood all the the above, the system requirements , and FAQ, and have decided to continue:
- In Boinc manager, ensure seti@home project is already attached and processing, using the normal stock applications, and that your preferred applications have been selected on your project preferences page, for the venue assigned to your host.  For stock issues seek help on Q&A or Number Crunching forum before continuing.
, though in most cases, it will install happily over a previous optimised app installation, provided the mentioned tags were not used.

To shift tasks from CPU (6.03) to GPU(6.08), check out the rebranding tool in the thread http://lunatics.kwsn.net/12-gpu-crunching/cpu-gpu-rebranding-perl-script.0.html  , which will work in conjunction with the installer generated app_info.

The important things when switching tasks  manually in client_state, are BOTH the version_num AND plan_class.

« Last Edit: 19 Jul 2009, 05:57:15 am by Jason G »


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