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Author Topic: Unified Installer v0.2  (Read 18081 times)

Offline Jason G

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Re: Unified Installer v0.2
« Reply #15 on: 23 Apr 2010, 08:14:12 am »
...Typo or subconcious...use of IIF....

Fascinating trivial observation there VP. Surely a typo :D, IFF I was declaring an 'if and only if' biconditional logical connective, having a computer science background I would likely use the mathematical/logical form 'IFF" which I do sometimes.  Most of the people that know me closely though, especially my OCD friends that I tutor in electronics, have come to regard my crappy logitech keyboard, that is easy to press the wrong keys upon, as a subtle form of therapy that engages normal perceptual filters through being clear in intent (most of the time  ;)) yet speaking some form of gibberish if taken too literally.  There are times I prefer even measures of jocularity, double entendre & sarcasm, which is otherwise known as 'Aussie Humour' which isn't always entirely understood, and not necessarily logical.

BTW: This installer is outdated, and I'm trying to organise myself sufficiently to stage release of the slightly more refined variant that has been sitting in Beta far longer than necessary.  With a bit of luck that should be tomorrow.


« Last Edit: 23 Apr 2010, 08:16:18 am by Jason G »


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