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Author Topic: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............  (Read 48039 times)


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #45 on: 17 Sep 2009, 11:57:26 am »
How long this time Mark?
Dunno for sure....
The standard is two weeks.....if the mods don't try to extend it after that.


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #46 on: 18 Sep 2009, 01:39:21 pm »
Always  said           



Just leave me alone...........meow.


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #47 on: 18 Sep 2009, 08:41:14 pm »
Only place left to post this..........

Best version ever..........

Find your soul or lose it forever..........KD Lang........

You don't have to believe in God to love this song........if you don't, just leave the message and take the melody....I will still love you, and so will HE......

If you are human, expect to cry a little..........I always do.

And I will NOT aplologiize for this..................so suck it up and enjoy.....or cry........whatever........meow.
Supposedly took him years to write......and many have covered lit since.....

Tina Dickow...in Dutch...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud-M6YqeOWg&feature=related
'Over The Rhine'...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbZVzultvFs&feature=related
Damien Leith...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA9Gpisd2IY&feature=related
Alexander Burke...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsuXbkrA_AQ&feature=related
Allison Crowe....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIMOdVXAPJ0&feature=related
Sheryl Crow...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWDfH51gvc0&feature=related
Lisa....nice piano work...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGo6FY8TJFI&feature=related
Imogen Heap...most excellent...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNQu9rP7xwI&feature=related
Amanda Jenssen...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAg5ZOZfVLo&feature=related
II Divo...in Italian...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2SZ-nCBmsU&feature=related
Kate Voegele...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v22NMAG1k18&feature=related
Rufus Wainwright...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmbQEQltOwM&feature=related
John Cale...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckbdLVX736U&feature=related
and even a bootleg Dylan...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-8Arvz8rHM&feature=related

And who couldn't cry over the 'goodbye scene' from the OC?...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMGyl-l3qqc&feature=fvw

Should be a version somewhere there that trips yer trigger.....


God will save us.......
Save the lamb.
Give peace among us.......
No one else can.

(Not from the song, my own words..................)

Kitties' pick for the most beatiful version KD did................and there are many.

'Course.........Leonard's own version was a dramatically diff'rent thing.........diff'rent lyrics too.  "There was I time that you would let me know......what was really going on below.....   But now you never show it to me, do ya?"  Not so secular..........

Praising God or lamenting a lost love's loins?
"I remember when I moved in you......and love when let up she was movin' too.......and ev'ry single breath said.......Hallelujah."

"I did my best.......it wasn't much.
I couldn't feel, so I learned to touch.
I've told the truth.........
I didn't come all this way to fool ya.................."

Ya........me too.  Most excellent lyrics award.........
I can see why he lost sleep for years over this one.
Soul baring is such an ugly business.

I should know.

It is said he wrote 80 verses for this song................

Guess you'll have to ask Leonard. Or come up with your own interpretation...........

But the end result is the same.....
If you can't bring yourself to say it out loud..........just voice it in your heart.......HE will still hear you.

Musically, Leonard's version is superior.........but for sheer guts and soul......the kitties give KD 10 paws.

Love you all,
« Last Edit: 18 Sep 2009, 11:07:15 pm by msattler »


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #48 on: 25 Sep 2009, 01:01:08 pm »
  This weekend's rant...........

Maybe get back on the Seti forums  tomorrow..........or not.

Just a tune before I go........


Sorry if I have put upon you, my friends...........but that's the way the rails roll.............meow.

Got a heart buiilt of silicon........and souil...........

I am a child of my daddy.........he knew nothing of these computers.........hardly can get him to answer an email........

But I am stiill here...........and I wiill be utill they kick me from the project...

But.......you don't have to call me asshole,  asshole.

It was all I could do to keep from pukin'......

I'll hang around as long as you will f**k me...........(just my paraphrase)

David Allen Coe................the last verse goes like this here......

Just county shit..........from a Wisconsin dude......


Lots more to come if they don't  let me back in........trains,.........and trucks............and prison...............poor 'ol mamma..........she shouldnt have robbed that train.
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2009, 01:25:28 pm by msattler »


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #49 on: 25 Sep 2009, 02:43:07 pm »


« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2009, 02:45:14 pm by msattler »


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #50 on: 25 Sep 2009, 03:02:42 pm »
o...m......f.........GOD ,,,,,,,,

« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2009, 03:14:03 pm by msattler »


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #51 on: 25 Sep 2009, 03:35:57 pm »
And then she makes love to me like this..........


Too bad she is already married..................

I would marry her for her soul.......not her hands.
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2009, 03:40:18 pm by msattler »

52 Aces

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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #52 on: 03 Oct 2009, 08:45:07 pm »
Perhaps not as cute, young, or thin as the ones you're posting... but they DO serve Pizza here:


.. and if you've never been to hear the sounds of the two Wurlitzers at Radio City going full tilt by folks who know how to play 'em, that's the signal we should be blasting out into space ;-)


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #53 on: 04 Oct 2009, 03:58:21 pm »
Perhaps not as cute, young, or thin as the ones you're posting... but they DO serve Pizza here:


.. and if you've never been to hear the sounds of the two Wurlitzers at Radio City going full tilt by folks who know how to play 'em, that's the signal we should be blasting out into space ;-)

LOL....that would bring ET running, eh?
Quite the amazing instrument.

52 Aces

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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #54 on: 05 Oct 2009, 04:09:29 pm »
LOL....that would bring ET running, eh?
Quite the amazing instrument.

I thought that would be tongue-in-check good for eti as Wurlitzer begins with "Wu."  ;-)     About the only words that do are a small handfull of German names (or things named for them), German foods, or Chinese villages... and that's about it.   And yes, your piano pieces are also appropriate as piano begins with Pi.   Now just tune one with the same 2.5 mhz range ... (I bet the red shift on Bach is painful).

« Last Edit: 05 Oct 2009, 04:12:55 pm by 52 Aces »


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #55 on: 10 Oct 2009, 11:23:10 am »
i'm sticking with BFG cards.


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #56 on: 30 Oct 2009, 07:51:13 pm »
Oh people, I've been here before, I've known this road, and I've walked this floor....
You see, I used to live alone before I knew 'ya....

The best version that Cohen ever did of his own song......


The organ work is just the tits........
An electronic version, but sounds just like an old Hammond B52......remember them swinging, phase shifting horn cabinets?  And the backup vocals were powerful enough to 'turn goat piss into gasoline' (remember where that quote came from).......LOL.  I do.

I didn't come all this way just ta fool 'ya.......Enjoy.

« Last Edit: 30 Oct 2009, 08:14:03 pm by msattler »


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #57 on: 30 Oct 2009, 08:27:43 pm »
Oh people, I've been here before, I've known this road, and I've walked this floor....
You see, I used to live alone before I knew 'ya....

The best version that Cohen ever did of his own song......


The organ work is just the tits........
An electronic version, but sounds just like an old Hammond B52......remember them swinging, phase shifting horn cabinets?  And the backup vocals were powerful enough to 'turn goat piss into gasoline' (remember where that quote came from).......LOL.  I do.

I didn't come all this way just ta fool 'ya.......Enjoy.


I must confess.......the gurl that corrupted me for life........took me to a bar when ai was 18.....
Never drank much before then.........got me whacked on whiskey and weed..

Alll history from then.  I never quite got over loving her........still haven't, 30 some years hence.

So, now I struggle along, felll in love with Lori.......and now I have to deal with our Oscar kitty dying...

Life sux sometimes, but I still tale pause every day to ask God for his favors and forgiveness...........his mysteries are hidden to me........
But not forever.




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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #58 on: 18 Dec 2009, 10:13:03 pm »
And here I am agian.............

Just HAVE to share these couple of ccuts..........

Karen Lawence.........soooooooooooo like Joplin I xan't stand it........

Had to share........enjoy,,,,,,,,

Fun and Games.........
and a new one.......I had it on CD, but never saw it on youtube until nowl.........wowza...........take me down, babeeeeeeeeee.

Cadillac Blues....

I would call it 'the **** me Baby Blues'........LOL............my furture wife........as it were.

Edited by Admin : Let's keep it PG, ok?  ;)
« Last Edit: 18 Dec 2009, 10:59:44 pm by Gecko_R7 »


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Re: Just don't know where I am gonna end up............
« Reply #59 on: 18 Dec 2009, 10:56:25 pm »
In a heartbeat.......so they say......
[ur;=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x6fgbpHxYM&feature=relatedBtoken  line,,,,,Biuthis as godood as ot gets/.............follow ots;;;;;;;;;;;;


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