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Author Topic: Please, help to balance CPU MB + ATI GPU MW on host under BOINC 6.6.36  (Read 30337 times)

Offline Jason G

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No, I didn't terminated them.
There was delay in manager communication with daemon. It seems daemon was hung for more than 30 seconds - all apps exited with no heartbeat message. I see that message in SETI's stderr (MW tasks already gone of course).

I know I was being facetious (Another term for 'Australian'). 

Offline Raistmer

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Ah, I see :)

Offline Raistmer

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Now 5 MW + 4 SETI - that's OK too.
STD ~13500s now and still increasing.

Offline Jason G

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STD ~13500s now and still increasing.

OK, now make max & avg equal, then increase them gradually untill debt accumualtion stops  ;)

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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OK. Been out for a meal - and to learn about funeral arrangements for next week. Not nice.

But I see you've made progress while I've been away. Can we agree that v.36 is not broken like an old banger, but a Formula 1 racer that needs a skilled driver to exploit - otherwise it stalls on the starting line?

If so - and this is the difficult bit - how do we get it to manage all that tricksy CPU / GPU / GPU pretending to be a part of a CPU / multithreaded CPU (active at AQUA) stuff, add GSTD resource-share scheduling, and still make it driveable by both a teenager and their granny?

Offline Jason G

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If so - and this is the difficult bit - how do we get it to manage all that tricksy CPU / GPU / GPU pretending to be a part of a CPU / multithreaded CPU (active at AQUA) stuff, add GSTD resource-share scheduling, and still make it driveable by both a teenager and their granny?
  I'm working on the premise that we can fudge the input figures, such that it stabilises and does what it's told.  It seems to be somewhat similar in intelligence to my goldfish that only ever floated upside down, and a little below my dog 'Bozley', which is relatively intelligent compared to the goldfish (He responds to the word 'Biscuits' favourably, anyway.).
« Last Edit: 10 Jul 2009, 05:26:10 pm by Jason G »

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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If so - and this is the difficult bit - how do we get it to manage all that tricksy CPU / GPU / GPU pretending to be a part of a CPU / multithreaded CPU (active at AQUA) stuff, add GSTD resource-share scheduling, and still make it driveable by both a teenager and their granny?
I'm working on the premise that we can fudge the input figures, such that it stabilises and does what it's told.  It seems to be somewhat similar in intelligence to my goldfish that only ever floated upside down, and a little below my dog 'Bozley', which is relatively intelligent compared to the goldfish (He responds to the word 'Biscuits' favourably, anyway.).

But does he respond to the word 'biscuits' in all 182,898 regional accents and dialects spoken by active SETI users - including those from cultures where the concept of 'biscuit' is entirely missing? ???

Offline Jason G

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But does he respond to the word 'biscuits' in all 182,898 regional accents and dialects spoken by active SETI users - including those from cultures where the concept of 'biscuit' is entirely missing? ???
  No, but he ignores the word 'out', yet dutifully obeys 'oot', despite being born in the middle of Western Australia, and AFAIK never has met a scotchman, so maybe he's more of a linguist than I thoiught.

Offline Raistmer

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Actually I hope that STD accumulation will be solved by running more copies of MW .Time to time BOINC starts 5 MW tasks instead of 4.
As long as it doesn't decrease number of SETI tasks it's OK.
Will leave it over night and see at morning what happened.
My MW RAC curve declined from almost vertical line, but current RAC is only about 1/2 of theoretical limit.
I will post screenshot later - all CPU + 9600GSO achievements are almost on bottom line of graph %) Current RAC ~ 44000  :o  :o  :o

Offline Raistmer

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Hm... 5 SETI + 0 MW... it's not good....
MW has bigger project share so why BOINC does this...?
How STD calculated? Basing on elapsed time x number of running apps or how?
60% of MW share and only 40% os SETI but BOINC runs 5 SETI tasks and no MW ones...
« Last Edit: 10 Jul 2009, 06:45:57 pm by Raistmer »

Offline arkayn

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My STD is 6.26 with my 850-SETI/150-MW settings.

Offline Raistmer

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My STD is 6.26 with my 850-SETI/150-MW settings.
That is, you did just reverse - decreased MW share? Interesting. Do you use ATI GPU app too (and only GPU app for MW) ?

Offline arkayn

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I have a 4830 in my Quad, it averages about 33000 RAC on the GPU only. My other 2 computers do not have compatible GPU's.

I just checked my STD and it is up to 64.93 currently.

I also use a 0.1 and 3 for network settings.

Offline Raistmer

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Well, my current config is Q9450 + HD4870. ATI GPU RAC >50K for now and still increasing.
avg_cpu=max_cpu for both projects and:
MW avg_cpu==0.01, SETI avg_cpu==0.99 (as suggested on MW forums).
Project shares are 10k for SETI and 12k for MW.
Currently BOINC runs 4 SETI tasks (it's completely OK) and 22 MW tasks (it's acceptable, but can be improved IMHO).
From these 22 tasks only 3 actually running (by opt app design). So, BOINC's time to complete estimations are completely screwed.
And what is absolutely not OK : 17 of 22 MW tasks are running in high priority mode. This will prevent additional work fetch from MW AFAIK (will it affect on work fetch for SETI ? ).

Another relevant fact about MW project - it doesn't allow to have more than 6*number of CPUs (24 in my case) tasks in cache.

Ideal case I want to reach somehow:
~24 MW tasks in cache always + few days of work for SETI.
4 SETI tasks running always + 2 to ~4-5 MW tasks (running always). Too many waiting MW tasks still increase system overhead IMHO.
And no high priority mode at all of course, for both projects.

I think current BOINC's estimations for all parameters are pretty distorted by my attempts to manually balance workload.
What should I do from current state of things?

ADDON: typical deadline for MW tasks ~4 days.
My current network settings:
0+6, work fetch enabled only for MW, SETI setted to "no new tasks" few days already.

Offline sunu

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I would start playing with cc_config and ncpus.

ncpus -> 6
seti avg-max-cpus -> 1.51
MW avg-max-cpus -> 0.5 (?), 1(?)

ncpus ->8
seti avg-max-cpus -> 2.01
MW avg-max-cpus ->0.5 (?), 1 (?)
« Last Edit: 13 Jul 2009, 06:38:02 am by sunu »


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