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Author Topic: Fighting the CUDA bug  (Read 18744 times)

Offline kevin6912

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Re: Fighting the CUDA bug
« Reply #15 on: 06 Jul 2009, 10:20:55 am »
I found that allowing the GPU task with 1 second elapsed time(more then likely suspended in memory) to run until progress is greater then 0 will remove GPU task from memory when suspended again.


Created this windows cmd file to count GPU tasks:
@echo off
echo %date% %time%
set findpgmexe=setiathome_6.08_windows_intelx86__cuda.exe
set findpgm=%findpgmexe:.exe=%

tasklist /fi "imagename eq %findpgmexe%"

if exist .\boinc-find-%findpgm%.txt del .\boinc-find-%findpgm%.txt
set tasklistboinc=tasklist /fi "imagename eq %findpgmexe%"
%tasklistboinc% > .\boinc-find-%findpgm%.txt

if exist .\boinc-count-%findpgm%.txt del .\boinc-count-%findpgm%.txt
find /c "%findpgmexe:~0,25%"  .\boinc-find-%findpgm%.txt > .\boinc-count-%findpgm%.txt

FOR /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=<space>" %%G IN ('%tasklistboinc% ^| find /c "%findpgmexe:~0,25%"') DO set boincgputaskcnt=%%G
echo GPU task count %boincgputaskcnt%
(set findpgmexe=)
(set findpgm=)
(set boincgputaskcnt=)

Offline efmer (fred)

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Re: Fighting the CUDA bug
« Reply #16 on: 06 Jul 2009, 10:44:04 am »
I found that allowing the GPU task with 1 second elapsed time(more then likely suspended in memory) to run until progress is greater then 0 will remove GPU task from memory when suspended again.


Created this windows cmd file to count GPU tasks:
@echo off
echo %date% %time%
set findpgmexe=setiathome_6.08_windows_intelx86__cuda.exe
set findpgm=%findpgmexe:.exe=%

tasklist /fi "imagename eq %findpgmexe%"

if exist .\boinc-find-%findpgm%.txt del .\boinc-find-%findpgm%.txt
set tasklistboinc=tasklist /fi "imagename eq %findpgmexe%"
%tasklistboinc% > .\boinc-find-%findpgm%.txt

if exist .\boinc-count-%findpgm%.txt del .\boinc-count-%findpgm%.txt
find /c "%findpgmexe:~0,25%"  .\boinc-find-%findpgm%.txt > .\boinc-count-%findpgm%.txt

FOR /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=<space>" %%G IN ('%tasklistboinc% ^| find /c "%findpgmexe:~0,25%"') DO set boincgputaskcnt=%%G
echo GPU task count %boincgputaskcnt%
(set findpgmexe=)
(set findpgm=)
(set boincgputaskcnt=)
At the moment there is not enough work to check anything but a lot of task longer than 1 second caused the problem.
They did not report a elapsed time but where a couple of % to 20% or so done. So well beyond the 1 second
Restarting finished these WU ok. And deleting .. with these shortages of 100+ WU is not .... the best idea.
TThrottle Keep your temperatures controlled.
BoincTasks The best way to view BOINC

Offline Claggy

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Re: Fighting the CUDA bug
« Reply #17 on: 06 Jul 2009, 03:09:04 pm »
« Last Edit: 06 Jul 2009, 05:59:29 pm by Claggy »


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