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Author Topic: Simon there's a Problem with the 1.3 app and It's 64bit derivative  (Read 18315 times)


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Ok Simon here's the post I made at setiathome:
I switched back to 1.2 on My PC Joker2(It used to have 1.3 on It under XP Pro sp2 x32), Joker3 has the 64bit app that is based on 1.3 under XP x64.

In any case, Yes, I've had It happen under both 1.3 and the 64bit app.

Here's the 32bit app as I posted earlier, plus there are a couple of pure 64bit ones below also.

Incorrect function. (0x1) - exit code 1 (0x1)
Optimized Windows SETI@Home Enhanced application
Version info: Windows SSE2 32-bit V5.15 'Chicken Good!' (R-1.3|+freq|xW)
Compiled by Simon Zadra (KWSN - Chicken of Angnor) - Member of the Knights who say Ni! (http://www.kwsn.net)
Download Updates at: http://www.zadra.org/seti_enhanced/

CPU real speed: 2368 MHz

Work Unit Info
True angle range: 0.426463
Optimized Windows SETI@Home Enhanced application
Version info: Windows SSE2 32-bit V5.15 'Chicken Good!' (R-1.3|+freq|xW)
Compiled by Simon Zadra (KWSN - Chicken of Angnor) - Member of the Knights who say Ni! (http://www.kwsn.net)
Download Updates at: http://www.zadra.org/seti_enhanced/

CPU real speed: 2368 MHz

Work Unit Info
True angle range: 0.426463


links to the 64bit app results that was made from Your 1.3 app.

I'm running 1.2 on My other PC as I said and I'm getting no problems there and yes both PCs are overclocked and both ran 1.2 just fine with no errors until now.
« Last Edit: 16 Sep 2006, 12:14:24 am by JokerCPoC »


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I'm using Boincview 1.2.5 to keep track of what WU passess or fails and now both PCs are using (setiathome-5.15-kwsn-sse2.exe) v1.2 as the extra code in v1.3 may be causing the errors and slowing 1.3 down too boot, I've notice that once I switched back to 1.2 that My RAC started to climb and My pending WU's haven't changed really in the mean time. Once the WU known to Boincview as: 9/16/2006 12:42:29 PM 13jn02aa.24708.4769.903410.3.48_1(See link below) passes out of Boincviews buffer, I'll post a screenshot both here and at setiathome for all to see. So Simon(Chicken) could You please remove that cpu speed code as It takes up space and has said My cpu runs as slow as 1808MHz(Ain't possible as It's a 2.0GHz cpu) or as high as 5920MHz(Impossible) and so It's also inacurrate and possibly is whats causing the errors in the results being generated.

« Last Edit: 16 Sep 2006, 06:31:22 pm by JokerCPoC »


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Agree the result of cpu mhz isnt accurate, however it is just a function call to one of the Intel library functions - so not causing errors.  Not to say other things aren't causing errors, just not that one.

It does add maybe 2 or 3 seconds to the run time...as all it does is a)gather cpu tick counter, b) wait til hardware clock in motherboard says xx seconds have passed, c) read ending tick counter, d) subtract begin count from end to find total tick count.  Tick count / time = Mhz speed.

Offline Crunch3r

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I'm using Boincview 1.2.5 to keep track of what WU passess or fails and now both PCs are using (setiathome-5.15-kwsn-sse2.exe) v1.2 as the extra code in v1.3 may be causing the errors and slowing 1.3 down too boot, I've notice that once I switched back to 1.2 that My RAC started to climb and My pending WU's haven't changed really in the mean time. Once the WU known to Boincview as: 9/16/2006 12:42:29 PM 13jn02aa.24708.4769.903410.3.48_1(See link below) passes out of Boincviews buffer, I'll post a screenshot both here and at setiathome for all to see. So Simon(Chicken) could You please remove that cpu speed code as It takes up space and has said My cpu runs as slow as 1808MHz(Ain't possible as It's a 2.0GHz cpu) or as high as 5920MHz(Impossible) and so It's also inacurrate and possibly is whats causing the errors in the results being generated.


Maybe, the one who build the app (don't know who) wasn't aware of some side effects or maybe he/she forgot to patch the right places to get a usefull 64 bit app.  (for  accurate results ;-)

Anyhow... my 64 bit linux app is STILL the fastes app. available  ;D

« Last Edit: 18 Sep 2006, 06:43:23 pm by Crunch3r »
I want to share something with you: The three little sentences that will get you through life. Number 1: Cover for me. Number 2: Oh, good idea, Boss! Number 3: It was like that when I got here.

Homer Simpson


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Linux....64....yea thats probably correct   :P

Offline Simon

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Falls Du Deine Meinung geändert hast, kannst Du gerne noch immer Deine 64-bit Sourcen sharen, nä? ;)

Ansonsten: Klappe zu, es zieht :)


Offline Crunch3r

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Linux....64....yea thats probably correct   :P

Not even the linux one ... my MKL win64 build outperforms simons apps. as well  ;)
I want to share something with you: The three little sentences that will get you through life. Number 1: Cover for me. Number 2: Oh, good idea, Boss! Number 3: It was like that when I got here.

Homer Simpson

Offline Crunch3r

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Ansonsten: Klappe zu, es zieht :)


Hui, da ist aber einer recht angepisst oder warum dieser forsche Ton ?
I want to share something with you: The three little sentences that will get you through life. Number 1: Cover for me. Number 2: Oh, good idea, Boss! Number 3: It was like that when I got here.

Homer Simpson

Offline Simon

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Ist doch ganz einfach - Dein Ton auf Englisch kommt sehr überheblich rüber. Ist zwar vielleicht nur ein Sprachproblem, aber witzig findet das eigentlich keiner.

Wie schon mal erwähnt (und - siehe oben - absichtlich auf Deutsch), finde ich's ziemlich schwach von Dir, Deine alten Sourcen zu vernichten, weil irgendwer irgendwas irgendwo gepostet hat. Dann als nächstes wieder aufzutauchen, nur zu posten, daß Deine App die schnellste sei, aber keinerlei neue Sourcen (vielleicht als Ersatz für die von der GPL - die auch in Deutschland gilt - vorgeschriebenen 3 Jahre Verfügbarkeit auf Anfrage) oder auch nur Auszüge - öffentlich zur Verfügung zu stellen, finde ich auch nicht viel bewundernswerter.

Ich habe hier versucht soviele fähige Coder und Optimierer zu versammeln wie möglich, um gemeinschaftlich an Verbesserungen zu arbeiten. Ich habe Dich wiederholt gefragt, ob Du irgendwas zur Verfügung stellen oder mitmachen willst. Von Dir kamen meistens leicht zynische Posts zurück. Nicht abendfüllend.

Daher entschuldige bitte meine Direktheit, vielleicht täusche ich mich ja - dann stell das bitte richtig.


P.S. Non-german speakers could use http://babelfish.altavista.com to know what we're talking about.
« Last Edit: 20 Sep 2006, 05:05:31 pm by Simon »

Offline Crunch3r

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Ist doch ganz einfach - Dein Ton auf Englisch kommt sehr überheblich rüber. Ist zwar vielleicht nur ein Sprachproblem, aber witzig findet das eigentlich keiner.

Das mag sein.

Wie schon mal erwähnt (und - siehe oben - absichtlich auf Deutsch), finde ich's ziemlich schwach von Dir, Deine alten Sourcen zu vernichten, weil irgendwer irgendwas irgendwo gepostet hat. Dann als nächstes wieder aufzutauchen, nur zu posten, daß Deine App die schnellste sei, aber keinerlei neue Sourcen (vielleicht als Ersatz für die von der GPL - die auch in Deutschland gilt - vorgeschriebenen 3 Jahre Verfügbarkeit auf Anfrage) oder auch nur Auszüge - öffentlich zur Verfügung zu stellen, finde ich auch nicht viel bewundernswerter.

Erstens mal hat keiner eine Ahnung was wirklich passiert ist außer mir und R.Walton. Demzufolge kann auch keiner von "euch" eine Ahnung haben, "warum, wieso und weshalb". Das was publik gemacht "wurde" ist ja nicht einmal 1/4 von dem was wirklich los war. Also bitte keine Kommentare über Sachen von denen keiner wriklich was richtiges weiß.

Ich habe hier versucht soviele fähige Coder und Optimierer zu versammeln wie möglich, um gemeinschaftlich an Verbesserungen zu arbeiten.

Gute Idee. Aber entschuldige meine Überheblichkeit... ich sehe davon leider nichts. (Resultate)

Ich habe Dich wiederholt gefragt, ob Du irgendwas zur Verfügung stellen oder mitmachen willst.

Wo das denn ?!?

Von Dir kamen meistens leicht zynische Posts zurück. Nicht abendfüllend.
Daher entschuldige bitte meine Direktheit, vielleicht täusche ich mich ja - dann stell das bitte richtig.

Meine "zynischen" Posts sollten dir lediglich ein Ansporn sein, um TMR Code selber mal zu verbessern...

P.S. Non-german speakers could use http://babelfish.altavista.com to know what we're talking about.
I want to share something with you: The three little sentences that will get you through life. Number 1: Cover for me. Number 2: Oh, good idea, Boss! Number 3: It was like that when I got here.

Homer Simpson


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Re: Simon there's a Problem with the 1.3 app and It's 64bit derivative
« Reply #10 on: 20 Sep 2006, 11:01:38 pm »

Sorry gents - But the translator did nothing more then butcher whatever you two have been discussing.


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Re: Simon there's a Problem with the 1.3 app and It's 64bit derivative
« Reply #11 on: 21 Sep 2006, 02:48:23 pm »
crunch: there however one is quite angepisst or why this vigorous clay/tone
simon: It is, nevertheless, completely simple - your tone on English comes very practice-substantially more rueber "harsh?". Is perhaps only one language problem, but that  none actually finds funny. As already times mentioned (and - see above - intentionally on German), find rather weak  by you to destroy your old source code because possibly who posted somewhere something. Then when you next emerge again to , only to posts that your App is the fastest, but no new source (perhaps as replacement for of the GPL - also in Germany applies - prescribed 3 years availability on request) or also only excerpts - publicly to make available, I find also not more admirable many. I have tried to get as many capable Coder and Optimierer to meet here as possible, in order to work jointly on improvements. I asked you repeated whether you want to make available or take part in something. From you mostly easily zynische Posts returned. Not evening-filling. Therefore excuse please my directness,I am perhaps mistaken - If so then rectify please.
crunch: That may be...First of all nobody has any idea what really happened except me and R.Walton. Therefore none of "you" can have any idea, "why, why and why", not even 1/4 of which "became publicly known" were really the matter. Thus please no comments about things of those none correctly knows
"Gathered many capable Coder and Optimierer"
Good idea. But excuse my presumption... I see of it unfortunately nothing.
My "zynischen" Posts should be you only a stimulus, around TMR code times to improve...

Offline Simon

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Re: Simon there's a Problem with the 1.3 app and It's 64bit derivative
« Reply #12 on: 21 Sep 2006, 07:56:12 pm »
Okay, I can see the automatic translator really sucks. Let me attempt to translate instead.

It started off with Crunch3r posting this - to which I replied in german, because I wanted to eliminate any possibilty of misunderstanding.
Maybe, the one who build the app (don't know who) wasn't aware of some side effects or maybe he/she forgot to patch the right places to get a usefull 64 bit app.  (for  accurate results ;-)
Anyhow... my 64 bit linux app is STILL the fastes app. available
My reply:
Falls Du Deine Meinung geändert hast, kannst Du gerne noch immer Deine 64-bit Sourcen sharen, nä? ;)
Ansonsten: Klappe zu, es zieht :)
should you have changed your mind, you're still very welcome to share your 64-bit sources, hm?
If not, you could always shut up.
Kind regards
Not even the linux one ... my MKL win64 build outperforms simons apps. as well  Wink
still Crunch3r
Hui, da ist aber einer recht angepisst oder warum dieser forsche Ton ?
--->Whoa, somebody is pissed off here or else why the harsh tone?
My reply:
Ist doch ganz einfach - Dein Ton auf Englisch kommt sehr überheblich rüber. Ist zwar vielleicht nur ein Sprachproblem, aber witzig findet das eigentlich keiner.

---->It's pretty simple - your tone in english posts seems pretty condescending at times. Maybe it's just a language problem, but it's really not funny for anyone.

Wie schon mal erwähnt (und - siehe oben - absichtlich auf Deutsch), finde ich's ziemlich schwach von Dir, Deine alten Sourcen zu vernichten, weil irgendwer irgendwas irgendwo gepostet hat. Dann als nächstes wieder aufzutauchen, nur zu posten, daß Deine App die schnellste sei, aber keinerlei neue Sourcen (vielleicht als Ersatz für die von der GPL - die auch in Deutschland gilt - vorgeschriebenen 3 Jahre Verfügbarkeit auf Anfrage) oder auch nur Auszüge - öffentlich zur Verfügung zu stellen, finde ich auch nicht viel bewundernswerter.

-->As I've previously mentioned, (and - see above why - intentionally in german), I find it pretty weak of you to destroy your old sources because somebody posted something somewhere. Then you reappear, only to post about your app being the quickest, but you never even mention offering any sources (maybe as a replacement for the GPL-required - and enforcable in Germany - 3 years source availability on request) or even just excerpts publicly - doesn't really increase my respect for you either.

Ich habe hier versucht soviele fähige Coder und Optimierer zu versammeln wie möglich, um gemeinschaftlich an Verbesserungen zu arbeiten. Ich habe Dich wiederholt gefragt, ob Du irgendwas zur Verfügung stellen oder mitmachen willst. Von Dir kamen meistens leicht zynische Posts zurück. Nicht abendfüllend.

-->I've tried to assemble as many capable coders and optimizers here as possible, to work together on improvements. I've repeatedly asked you whether you would like to contribute anything or even take part. All I got from you were slightly cynical posts. Still unimpressed.

Daher entschuldige bitte meine Direktheit, vielleicht täusche ich mich ja - dann stell das bitte richtig.

-->So please excuse my rather direct wording, maybe I'm mistaken - if so, please correct me.

His reply (first paragraph, scroll up)
Das mag sein.
-->Maybe so.
Erstens mal hat keiner eine Ahnung was wirklich passiert ist außer mir und R.Walton. Demzufolge kann auch keiner von "euch" eine Ahnung haben, "warum, wieso und weshalb". Das was publik gemacht "wurde" ist ja nicht einmal 1/4 von dem was wirklich los war. Also bitte keine Kommentare über Sachen von denen keiner wriklich was richtiges weiß.
-->Firstly, nobody here really knows what happened except me and R. Walton. Therefore none of "you" can have any idea "why, why and why" (note: really, german has many words for why). What was "made" public is not even 1/4 of what really happened. So please, no comments about things nobody really knows a lot of.
Gute Idee. Aber entschuldige meine Überheblichkeit... ich sehe davon leider nichts. (Resultate)
-->Good idea. Please excuse my being condescending, I don't see anything of that. (results) (note: I never see results from you either, only claims ;))
Wo das denn ?!?
--->Where did you do that? (note: in response to me saying I had previously asked him whether he wanted to contribute, on the S@H forums, check my forum posts, too tired myself).
Meine "zynischen" Posts sollten dir lediglich ein Ansporn sein, um TMR Code selber mal zu verbessern...
--->My "cynical" posts should only have served as an incentive for you to improve TMR code on your own...

So there you have it.

« Last Edit: 21 Sep 2006, 08:48:01 pm by Simon »

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Re: Simon there's a Problem with the 1.3 app and It's 64bit derivative
« Reply #13 on: 21 Sep 2006, 10:23:02 pm »
Thanks Simon, My earlier paraphrase wasn't liked...

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Re: Simon there's a Problem with the 1.3 app and It's 64bit derivative
« Reply #14 on: 22 Sep 2006, 06:43:52 am »
You're welcome.



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