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BOINC does not detects

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Hello! First, I'd like to introduce myself. I just registered here, but I need your help already.

The problem is the following. I installed BOINC 6.4.5 from source, using some GCC optimalization. Used --prefix=/usr too. Then I start boinc_client, and it says it can't detect my Tried some howto, about linking the .so in /usr/lib/boinc-client/ and such, but nothing worked so far. Could you help me out?.. Someone said that you are expert in GPU usage.

OS: Arch linux x86-64
Nvidia: 180.51 x64
Cuda toolikt 2.2

Since you have cuda 2.2, you'd better go with 185.18.xx nvidia drivers that are cuda 2.2 compatible.

Place all libcudart and libcufft files (,,,,, in your projects/ directory.

I don't know how you've setup your system or how things are in Arch, but in ubuntu to let my system know of these libs I placed a file named cudalibs.conf in /etc/ containing the full path to these libraries (.../projects/

Finally run ldconfig to refresh your cached libraries.

Edit: You say you've compiled boinc? Why don't you use the latest 6.6.29 from ?

Well... I got it from SVN. I first tried to compile 6.7.5 ... That was a big failure. I couldn't even finish ./configure, then after few hours of wrangling, I just couldn't compile it. Then I tried to use 6.4.5, since one of the developers said, that is the stable. Well..source , some Cflag misery, gcc patch, no manager. Nice .. :)

Well, I'll compile 6.6.29 now.. :P Cross your fingers :)

By the way, I dont have such file like "".. :-/

Urs Echternacht:
Do the precompiled binaries from the BOINC download page (link in sunu's post) not work on your distro ?

Or do you simply prefer to compile the client yourself ?


--- Quote from: Urs Echternacht on 29 May 2009, 04:56:24 pm ---Do the precompiled binaries from the BOINC download page (link in sunu's post) not work on your distro ?

Or do you simply prefer to compile the client yourself ?

--- End quote ---

Well.. it works.. SOMEHOW. It runs... but sometimes SEGFAULTs... it runs.. but manager does not. It runs.. but really slow (no gcc optimalization means REALLY much performance drop.)

Well guys, here are my tryings... :

Nasty.. :)


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