After reading posts here and at SETI I need a little advice. I am running Raistmers V9 CPU_GPU team and BOINC Manager 6.6.20 on a WINXP 32 system with an 8800GTX card.
I want to update to 6.6.28 and keep running optimized apps but not the CPU_GPU team as per Raistmers recommendation to allow the manager to handle the scheduling.
After doing way too much reading here and at SETI I still can't find any single, concise procedure and directions to the appropriate downloads. Where can I find the optimized CUDA app or is there even one available yet? Do I just let SETI dl whatever CUDA app it wants? Where can I find the correct appl_info.xml file? I don't have a problem with editing the one I have I just need to know WHAT to change so I don't hose myself...
I usually run 4 APs on my QX6700 and 1 MB on the 8800GTX. Sometimes ( recently ) I have only had enough APs for 2 or 3 of the CPU cores and have run multiple MB's, which was no problem with the team app. All the MBs I have show as "setiathome_enhanced 6.08", will this cause me any grief if I switch away from the team apps before I empty my cache?
Anyway, I could use a little help and or advibe...thanks in advance!
EDIT: I am running the latest 185.85 drivers