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Author Topic: [MOVED] work the NC Forum at Seti  (Read 25943 times)

Offline Pappa

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[MOVED] work the NC Forum at Seti
« on: 13 May 2009, 07:56:14 pm »

I have posted a new thread in the Seti NC Forum about FAQ's It has geneiric links to various sites for information Including here.

The next Step is going to be to create a thread for Optimized Applications and Other Binaries - Read Only. I know that Gecko_R7 normally asks to have it unlocked and Posts. If you could do a rollup of the last two into one (including the RSS feed) I will let you know when the thread is ready. Whenever an Update is added we want to remove (hide) the old one then only the current information is displayed.



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Re: work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #1 on: 13 May 2009, 08:07:08 pm »

I have posted a new thread in the Seti NC Forum about FAQ's It has geneiric links to various sites for information Including here.

The next Step is going to be to create a thread for Optimized Applications and Other Binaries - Read Only. I know that Gecko_R7 normally asks to have it unlocked and Posts. If you could do a rollup of the last two into one (including the RSS feed) I will let you know when the thread is ready. Whenever an Update is added we want to remove (hide) the old one then only the current information is displayed.


Will do Al.
Give me a day or so to re-work this into a single post.

Offline Pappa

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Re: work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #2 on: 13 May 2009, 08:27:07 pm »
The hard part is getting everyone together...  ::)

If arkayn sees this it would help

So while, I am one of the moderators that has been around for years. I believe that Eric knows what I try to do usually works in the best interest of Seti. Unless I do something really bad, I do not expect that privledge (headaches) to be withdrawn for a while.

my public email al.setiboinc@gmail.com



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Re: work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #3 on: 14 May 2009, 10:40:03 am »
The hard part is getting everyone together...  ::)

If arkayn sees this it would help

So while, I am one of the moderators that has been around for years. I believe that Eric knows what I try to do usually works in the best interest of Seti. Unless I do something really bad, I do not expect that privledge (headaches) to be withdrawn for a while.

my public email al.setiboinc@gmail.com


OTOH, I'd prefer to keep the RSS feed post as separate sticky if possible.
The point of the post is to notify NC visitors of the feature.
It was "requested" by multiple members since many are not "frequent" visitors to the forums and would like to be informed when a new release is available.  If combined into the release thread, it will defeat the purpose of the notification post.
However, thread organization at NC is your domain, not mine...so I'm only making a "request" as the OP.

I'm all for simplicity, less clutter & less work  ;).
The Lunatics release posts @ NC are basically duplicates of what is HERE and posted on the front page.

Today, a person can subscribe to the release threads at NC, release threads @ Lunatics and the RSS feed.
Going forward, rather than post the complete release thread at NC, I can post the release "Header" w/ a link to the main post HERE.
This would certainly be cleaner & with less maintenance required @ NC, and much easier for me.
Remember that a person DOES NOT have to be a member @ Lunatics to access the board, release announcements or to DL applications.

Does this sound reasonable to you?

Offline Jason G

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[MOVED]work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #4 on: 14 May 2009, 12:34:12 pm »
   Just consider this.  Does NC Forum's choice of presentatiom effect our optimisation efforts in any way? (I think not).
 I suggest whatever changes are made, would be better made in consultation with the users of that forum, rather than here.  (Using the target audience' opinions for the basis of design)

Quite frankly, I personally find the current form of NC over there acceptable, and IMO any more consideration of that at this end would be nothing more that a brain drain we don't need at this time. 

If pressed for a suggestion, I would say that in any regular forum, stuff about T-Shirts, Picnics & Donations would belong in some other 'general discussion' category, being, in fact, not related to Number Crunchng at all, but then I do appreciate the Boinc Forum software is relatively limited, and not able to provide well laid out separate forums for general and specific discussion such as we have with our 'full-featured' forum software.

[Edit:  I just realised this thread was originally started in the "Windows development" area.  This was an inappropriate place.  I have moved this to the General area for continued discussion. ]
« Last Edit: 14 May 2009, 01:11:51 pm by Jason G »

Offline Pappa

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Re: [MOVED] work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #5 on: 14 May 2009, 02:34:12 pm »
Thanks Jason

The Anniversary things will soon be history. Donations are an ongoing concern... The Cuda thing by Blurf etc.. So the goal is to boil things down a bit. Then there is room for things to come an Go. but there are still "we need to reduce the number of stickies" posts in the mod forum.

So My goal is to have Whatever is needed for Lunatics, Dotsch, Arkayn and the RSS and whomever else "might" have something valid - Visible in the Optimized Applications thread.  So they only have a few entries to look at. Does it have change often? Not really.

We all know users will ask questions and that gets handled, then a reply might only point to one thread for the user that should have read to go look...
Currently AP optimized and non optimized occupy two threads which are mixed. So it needs work and it appears that I am the only one willing to tackle it.

Offline Pappa

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Re: work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #6 on: 14 May 2009, 02:37:08 pm »
I have placed "place holders" in the two Forum threads, as you have things ready you should be able to post and then red-x the place holders. I will then remove them. I wish that ceertain users could be given extended Edit Rights, then your job would be easier.

The hard part is getting everyone together...  ::)

If arkayn sees this it would help

So while, I am one of the moderators that has been around for years. I believe that Eric knows what I try to do usually works in the best interest of Seti. Unless I do something really bad, I do not expect that privledge (headaches) to be withdrawn for a while.

my public email al.setiboinc@gmail.com


OTOH, I'd prefer to keep the RSS feed post as separate sticky if possible.
The point of the post is to notify NC visitors of the feature.
It was "requested" by multiple members since many are not "frequent" visitors to the forums and would like to be informed when a new release is available.  If combined into the release thread, it will defeat the purpose of the notification post.
However, thread organization at NC is your domain, not mine...so I'm only making a "request" as the OP.

I'm all for simplicity, less clutter & less work  ;).
The Lunatics release posts @ NC are basically duplicates of what is HERE and posted on the front page.

Today, a person can subscribe to the release threads at NC, release threads @ Lunatics and the RSS feed.
Going forward, rather than post the complete release thread at NC, I can post the release "Header" w/ a link to the main post HERE.
This would certainly be cleaner & with less maintenance required @ NC, and much easier for me.
Remember that a person DOES NOT have to be a member @ Lunatics to access the board, release announcements or to DL applications.

Does this sound reasonable to you?

Offline perryjay

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Re: [MOVED] work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #7 on: 14 May 2009, 02:45:25 pm »
Just a quick 2 cents worth, could you stick a link to MarkJ's post about the app_info in there somewhere? I get tired of having to chase it down whenever someone asks.

Offline Jason G

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Re: [MOVED] work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #8 on: 14 May 2009, 02:50:23 pm »
    OK, I recognise the situation you describe exactly, but ask this:  Are the 4  out of 13 (really 3 if you exclude the RSS single post thread) sticky posts related to optimised applications really the problem? (Well now your thread makes it 5 threads anyway :D).  I say no.  It's that three separate applications, and any number of associated platforms are bundled into the same forum.

Try Separating things where a logical disinction already exists naturally in first time visitors' minds ... e.g. Linux vs Windows vs Mac ... AstroPulse Vs Multibeam(inc AK) Vs Cuda.  These are natural boundaries.  "Optimised Vs Stock" are not natural boundaries to a new user, and "Issues Vs Errrors" are not. 

Mac Users do not naturally bundle themselves into Windows Or Linux Issues.  As A first time visitor to Number Crunching, would we expect some story about president Obama? no, and we don't see it, because the boundary is recognised naturally.  For 'our matters', an obvious delineation isn't marked, so it isn't used, and it becomes a big mess of crap.
« Last Edit: 14 May 2009, 02:52:54 pm by Jason G »

Offline arkayn

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Re: [MOVED] work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #9 on: 14 May 2009, 03:09:43 pm »
If arkayn sees this it would help

my public email al.setiboinc@gmail.com


Yes, I am over here as well. I have no problems with reorganization.

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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Re: work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #10 on: 14 May 2009, 03:10:25 pm »

I wish that ceertain users could be given extended Edit Rights, then your job would be easier.

That sounds like my old proposal for Technical Mods - editing, and other modes (lock/move/sticky) for Technical only, plus a tightly-controlled 'alert' thread for the staff.

I was tried as a general mod once, and I failed - I couldn't cope with the chatter from the Cafe, and the chatter from the mods about the chatter from the cafe, when my interest was technical. But the BOINC forum software, just as it is limited in respect to categories and sub-categories, is also limited in the number and variety of roles it can assign - no access right equivalent of the 'Squire' role for beta testers, for example, just a flag.

There's talk of switching to Drupal modules for the BOINC fora next year - maybe we should inject some thought about volunteer roles and responsibilities into that discussion.

Offline Jason G

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Re: work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #11 on: 14 May 2009, 03:33:01 pm »
I was tried as a general mod once,...

Isn't that a hanging crime in Texas still?

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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Re: work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #12 on: 14 May 2009, 04:10:57 pm »
I was tried as a general mod once,...

Isn't that a hanging crime in Texas still?

No, that was the Witchfinder general.

(though come to think of it, there are similarities.....)

Offline perryjay

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Re: [MOVED] work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #13 on: 14 May 2009, 06:17:22 pm »
Thank you Pappa.   ;D   I thought you could just stick a link to it in there somewhere but that's nicer.

Offline Pappa

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Re: work the NC Forum at Seti
« Reply #14 on: 14 May 2009, 07:14:34 pm »
If you are working from the BOINC Dev side and I work on Eric, some things might be able to happen. Eric told me that there are some revisions to the Forum software happening (after the Anniversary is done).

A goal would be to have a group tht would have some small management capabilites for some threads. Then Gecko could cut-n-paste changes. Or hide his old post.

I wish that ceertain users could be given extended Edit Rights, then your job would be easier.

That sounds like my old proposal for Technical Mods - editing, and other modes (lock/move/sticky) for Technical only, plus a tightly-controlled 'alert' thread for the staff.

I was tried as a general mod once, and I failed - I couldn't cope with the chatter from the Cafe, and the chatter from the mods about the chatter from the cafe, when my interest was technical. But the BOINC forum software, just as it is limited in respect to categories and sub-categories, is also limited in the number and variety of roles it can assign - no access right equivalent of the 'Squire' role for beta testers, for example, just a flag.

There's talk of switching to Drupal modules for the BOINC fora next year - maybe we should inject some thought about volunteer roles and responsibilities into that discussion.


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