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Author Topic: CPU <-> GPU rebranding  (Read 246343 times)

Offline Josef W. Segur

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #345 on: 08 Oct 2010, 03:38:49 pm »
Ok, I have downoaded  eFmer (Fred's) Re-schedule
About exe:
1) AK_v8b_win_SSE3x.exe
2) Lunatics_x32f_win32_cuda30_preview.exe
The xexecutable in error is alwais AK_v8b_win_SSE3x.exe


On the expert tab put a check in "Limit rsc_fpops_bound": Normally unchecked. When checked, it will adjust the maximum runtime limit, to a way higher value, to avoid -177 errors.

The "exceeded elapsed time limit 11359.349872" errors you were getting are the -177 code.


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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #346 on: 09 Oct 2010, 08:15:50 am »
Ok, I have downoaded  eFmer (Fred's) Re-schedule
About exe:
1) AK_v8b_win_SSE3x.exe
2) Lunatics_x32f_win32_cuda30_preview.exe
The xexecutable in error is alwais AK_v8b_win_SSE3x.exe


On the expert tab put a check in "Limit rsc_fpops_bound": Normally unchecked. When checked, it will adjust the maximum runtime limit, to a way higher value, to avoid -177 errors.

The "exceeded elapsed time limit 11359.349872" errors you were getting are the -177 code.
Ok, in the last week I have seen errors only in one host: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/show_host_detail.php?hostid=2693912
So I have installed eFmer (Fred's) Re-schedule on that host and I have run it with the suggested option.
I will say you if the problem is solved.
Running "test for lost files" I see 31 ones. It's the same case (previuos errors)?


Offline Zeus Fab3r

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #347 on: 10 Oct 2010, 06:57:36 am »
Ok, in the last week I have seen errors only in one host: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/show_host_detail.php?hostid=2693912
So I have installed eFmer (Fred's) Re-schedule on that host and I have run it with the suggested option.
I will say you if the problem is solved.
Running "test for lost files" I see 31 ones. It's the same case (previuos errors)?


No it's not, and there is nothing to worry about. Sometimes BOINC can produce junk files (like tmp files in Windows) for a different reason i.e. wu errored out, bsod, power outage... and Fred was kind enough to implement an option to seek & destroy such files. Feel free to delete them but it is always recommended to backup your boinc data folder before using the tool. Just in case  :)


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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #348 on: 11 Oct 2010, 11:15:45 am »
Ok, in the last week I have seen errors only in one host: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/show_host_detail.php?hostid=2693912
So I have installed eFmer (Fred's) Re-schedule on that host and I have run it with the suggested option.
I will say you if the problem is solved.
3 days without any error.

Offline Zeus Fab3r

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #349 on: 12 Oct 2010, 11:18:35 am »
3 days without any error.

Good, and now 3 days without any new WU's  ;D

Offline RottenMutt

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #350 on: 28 Dec 2010, 10:29:48 am »
2) reschedule 1.9 (what else?)

Fred's rescheduler is better.

so how can i move units to be a ratio of the total to gpu and cpu like in reschedule.exe??

Offline Miep

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #351 on: 28 Dec 2010, 10:35:05 am »
so how can i move units to be a ratio of the total to gpu and cpu like in reschedule.exe??

Works by absolute and not relative figures - so not currently possible to give it % . You could ask Fred to add that?

But as Marius' 1.9 Rescheduler doesn't work with x32f...
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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #352 on: 28 Dec 2010, 11:10:57 am »
I agree....
The simple slider setting of % to allocate between the CPU and GPU was a convenient way to do it.

Offline Geek@Play

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #353 on: 28 Dec 2010, 03:57:56 pm »
The Seti servers try to figure out how long a wu will take on the assigned hardware and software and assign that time limit to the wu.  If you then reschedule the task are you not inviting the dreaded -177 errors?  Not to mention the flops values that the servers work out for your client computers is then all messed up.

For these reasons I have stopped using the reschedule tool and have not had a -177 error since before the major failure.  And the flops values that Seti have are very accurate and in my  app_info file.

No problems since not using the reschedule tool.

I should add......I rum MB on my GPU's only and AP on the CPU's.


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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #354 on: 28 Dec 2010, 04:47:34 pm »
Fred's rescheduling tool fixes the WUs to avoid the -177s.......

Offline _heinz

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #355 on: 29 Dec 2010, 08:46:02 am »
I do never use a rescheduler, I have no problem  ;D

Offline Marius

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #356 on: 25 Jan 2011, 06:30:14 pm »
so how can i move units to be a ratio of the total to gpu and cpu like in reschedule.exe??

Works by absolute and not relative figures - so not currently possible to give it % . You could ask Fred to add that?

But as Marius' 1.9 Rescheduler doesn't work with x32f...

Ok, I just started seti again after a long long time..... (And now looking for a nvidia dual  and amd solution)

Obvously i've not been paying attention the last year(s), i've just been reading a couple of private mesages and i will have a look if i can upgrade it. Or is the tool from Fred good enough in which case i will gladly pull back my Reschedule.


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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #357 on: 26 Jan 2011, 08:46:50 am »
I happened to like the way your rescheduler worked....
And somebody else commented that they like the way you proportioned work between the CPU and GPU with the percentage slider, rather than by having to enter specific totals to shift back and forth.

If you have the time and are willing to have a go at updating it, I am sure many would like to have it available again.

Glad to have you back, Marius.

Offline efmer (fred)

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #358 on: 26 Jan 2011, 06:57:41 pm »
I happened to like the way your rescheduler worked....
And somebody else commented that they like the way you proportioned work between the CPU and GPU with the percentage slider, rather than by having to enter specific totals to shift back and forth.

If you have the time and are willing to have a go at updating it, I am sure many would like to have it available again.

Glad to have you back, Marius.
The main problem with the slider is that is messes up the server side estimates.
The only way to get this done properly is remember the one that are scheduled to the CPU of GPU. So the rescheduler moves them back first when needed. But that shouldn't be a mayor problem.
I've plenty of work with my other projects, and with the VLARS gone, there is only sporadic use of the scheduler.
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Offline perryjay

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #359 on: 26 Jan 2011, 08:57:25 pm »
I did have to use it during this last little outage. I just got a GTS450 and my cache still hadn't figured out how much work was needed to feed it when we went out. I had plenty of 6.03s but ran out of cuda work. Fed half of the CPU work over to the GPU, ran through them in no time and finally gave up and just moved all that I had left over to the GPU. Of course then I sat with no work for two days but..... such is life in the big city!   ;D


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