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Author Topic: CPU <-> GPU rebranding  (Read 245098 times)

Offline Marius

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #240 on: 13 Sep 2009, 04:56:34 pm »

The first problem is still open.

Is rescheduler.exe able to "see" setiathome_enhanced 5.28?
No sorry, only the newer 6 series are supported.

Offline Marius

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #241 on: 13 Sep 2009, 05:06:25 pm »
Quote from: samuel7
Are you still developing your tool?

Not really, the only thing left to do is to add seti beta support but i'm swamped in work the last months. There's very little time left for seti at this moment.

Quote from: samuel7
My client_state got truncated in the middle of another project's data when I ran it (v1.9) the other day. The rebranding itself went fine and no errors were reported. The only actual loss was the time spent on the tasks that were running at the time (because the <active_task_set> part was gone).
I'm sorry to hear that, this is very unusual as i'm locking all files and shutdown boinc (and wait for it to release the files). Is there any reason why it has done this?

Quote from: samuel7
I didn't want to revert to the backup because after restart BOINC fetched more MB tasks for the GPU. I should have realised something was wrong when it ran benchmarks but I just left it alone as I normally do. :-[

I have the before and after client_state files if you're interested.
The boinc servers are behaving poorly again so you are right to leave it alone. And yes, i'm interested in those files.



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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #242 on: 14 Sep 2009, 01:14:00 pm »
I'm sorry to hear that, this is very unusual as i'm locking all files and shutdown boinc (and wait for it to release the files). Is there any reason why it has done this?

I exit BOINC manually anyway. One additional symptom is that the test feature displays the WU counts correctly but says '0 slots occupied' when there are active MB tasks. I recently added PrimeGrid's PPS Sieve subproject and it seems ReSchedule can't parse beyond the first WU download URL. This:
changes into this:
    <url></url></file_info></client_state> and EOF  :(
When I remove the PrimeGrid project data ReSchedule works fine.

And yes, i'm interested in those files.
If you still want them please PM me your email addy.

Offline Geek@Play

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #243 on: 14 Sep 2009, 07:16:54 pm »

I have seen several complaints about all the old client_state.xml files left behind when running your rebranding tool.  I persoally run rescheduler from a batch file and the first step command is "Del D:\BOINC\client_state2009*.xml" which removes any old client_state2009 files.

Can you make any changes that would remove the old files that are left behind by the rebranding?


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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #244 on: 04 Oct 2009, 02:10:35 am »
So the client_state.xml2009* files are created when run rebrand without shutting down Boinc? These files can be safely deleted? (Assuming boinc shut down )

Offline MarkJ

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #245 on: 04 Oct 2009, 05:29:17 am »
So the client_state.xml2009* files are created when run rebrand without shutting down Boinc? These files can be safely deleted? (Assuming boinc shut down )

You don't have to shut it down as long as you leave the original client_state and client_state_prev file alone.

The client_state yyyyymmdd ones are backup copies of client_state before Reschedule changes the wu information and BOINC doesn't use these.


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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #246 on: 15 Oct 2009, 02:46:46 pm »
I agree. You dont know when you are going to need any previous client_state.xml file... :(


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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #247 on: 24 Oct 2009, 03:45:55 pm »
I should like to know why I have two PCs, ... same cpu, os, boinc level, otopmized apps (using unified same installer), cuda (one 250 and other 260) but in one I get only 5.28 (so I can't use reschedule) and in the other I get only 6.03 (so I can use reschedule).
Tell me how I can get 6.03 (prayers, ...  mantra, ... software?)


Offline Josef W. Segur

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #248 on: 25 Oct 2009, 02:52:47 pm »
I should like to know why I have two PCs, ... same cpu, os, boinc level, otopmized apps (using unified same installer), cuda (one 250 and other 260) but in one I get only 5.28 (so I can't use reschedule) and in the other I get only 6.03 (so I can use reschedule).
Tell me how I can get 6.03 (prayers, ...  mantra, ... software?)


Add or fix the section in the app_info.xml file which says you have a 6.03 compliant application installed. The BOINC core client assigns CPU work to the highest numbered CPU application it knows about.

Post the app_info.xml here if you'd like more specific advice.


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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #249 on: 25 Oct 2009, 06:18:21 pm »
my app_info.xml must be the standard one, build by the last  lunatics unified installer.
what else?

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Offline Josef W. Segur

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #250 on: 26 Oct 2009, 04:55:21 pm »
my app_info.xml must be the standard one, build by the last  lunatics unified installer.
what else?

The "-" characters and unusual spacing are unwanted changes usually caused by some Microsoft "helpful" feature. If that only happened when you copied and pasted here there's no harm done, but if it's that way on disk it may be the cause of the problem. Check by opening it in Notepad or another plain text editor. If it's damaged, the simple solution would be to copy the file from the other similar host which is working correctly, the more thorough solution would be to uninstall and reinstall the optimized apps.

Assuming the file is good, it's hard to guess why BOINC 6.6.36 isn't doing what it should. Perhaps someone will recall a similar case with that version of BOINC. Incidentally, is it host 2979049 or host 2693912 which is stuck on 5.28?


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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #251 on: 26 Oct 2009, 05:23:33 pm »

The "-" characters and unusual spacing are unwanted changes usually caused by some Microsoft "helpful" feature. If that only happened when you copied and pasted here there's no harm done, but if it's that way on disk it may be the cause of the problem. Check by opening it in Notepad or another plain text editor. If it's damaged, the simple solution would be to copy the file from the other similar host which is working correctly, the more thorough solution would be to uninstall and reinstall the optimized apps.

Assuming the file is good, it's hard to guess why BOINC 6.6.36 isn't doing what it should. Perhaps someone will recall a similar case with that version of BOINC. Incidentally, is it host 2979049 or host 2693912 which is stuck on 5.28?
I have reinstalled the the optimized apps just some hours before writing here.
I never edited app_info.xml  (it is the original from optimized apps installation in both cases)
The host with GTX 260 (2979049) is going fine. all 6.03
The host with GTS 250 (2693912) is affected by the 5.28 problem

Do you need more info?


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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #252 on: 27 Oct 2009, 12:41:16 pm »
I have reinstalled the the optimized apps just some hours before writing here.
I never edited app_info.xml  (it is the original from optimized apps installation in both cases)
The host with GTX 260 (2979049) is going fine. all 6.03
The host with GTS 250 (2693912) is affected by the 5.28 problem

Do you need more info?
Just a quick controll, done with a file compare software.
app_info.xm in the two hosts are identical.

Offline Josef W. Segur

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #253 on: 27 Oct 2009, 12:44:51 pm »
Assuming the file is good, it's hard to guess why BOINC 6.6.36 isn't doing what it should. Perhaps someone will recall a similar case with that version of BOINC. Incidentally, is it host 2979049 or host 2693912 which is stuck on 5.28?

I have reinstalled the the optimized apps just some hours before writing here.
I never edited app_info.xml  (it is the original from optimized apps installation in both cases)
The host with GTX 260 (2979049) is going fine. all 6.03
The host with GTS 250 (2693912) is affected by the 5.28 problem

Do you need more info?
Just a quick controll, done with a file compare software.
app_info.xm in the two hosts are identical.

I'm stumped for now, but will think about it some more.

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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Re: CPU <-> GPU rebranding
« Reply #254 on: 27 Oct 2009, 02:19:06 pm »

I'm stumped for now, but will think about it some more.

I have a machine in a similar state. The project is Einstein: there was a project Beta test of ABP1 v3.11

I have an app_info with a set of files, a 310 version block and a 311 version block (both referring to the same files). The host is crunching quite happily, but every new task is getting branded 310. I haven't done an exact byte-by-byte check, but it looks as if the 311 block is present and correct in both app_info.xml and client_state.xml, and both versions were listed in the latest sched_request to the project.

The strange thing is, this host is my old P4 Windows 2000 home server, running BOINC v5.10.13 - so completely unaffected by any recent BOINC developments. My other P4, my daily driver with a very similar app_info, is getting tasks branded 311 with the same version of BOINC.

So it rather seems it's the behaviour of the servers which has changed. Einstein has started limited (anonymous platform only) CUDA testing, so they must have updated their server code a bit - not that you'd know it from looking at their web pages, which haven't changed for a year or more - so I'm wondering if all the new <plan_class> code has undone the certainties like 'will assign highest version available' that we used to rely on.


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