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Seti is down again by Mike
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Author Topic: Seti is down again  (Read 821592 times)


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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #465 on: 18 Oct 2010, 02:40:53 am »
It ain't comin' back up tonight, folks.
Best I get some sleep and check up on it in the morning.

No matter what some naysayers would have you believe, better days are coming.

Long live Seti.

Meow meow meow.


Offline VoidPilot

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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #466 on: 18 Oct 2010, 02:47:57 am »

this new process is claerly not working well at all...if we are lucky its up for two days before disappearing in heap...

why don't they just admit that they have done the wrong thing and go back to what they were doing before...



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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #467 on: 18 Oct 2010, 03:07:46 am »

this new process is claerly not working well at all...if we are lucky its up for two days before disappearing in heap...

why don't they just admit that they have done the wrong thing and go back to what they were doing before...

It's a rouge server that is dogging them.........not anything else they have done.

The master database server, mork....has stepped to the edge and looked down, and unfortunately, has jumped off.

There is nothing wrong with the project, it's goals, or it's means of achieving them.  It's just the freakin' hardware.  Which should be remedied as soon as they can get the new servers we have funded into the stable.

Keep the faitth, my friends, just keep the faith.......

It may still take some weeks before the new servers are online........

Please have faith.......it will come.

Offline The Grinch

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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #468 on: 18 Oct 2010, 10:05:04 am »
Thanks für Information!
And sorry for the German, but my english not the best.


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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #469 on: 18 Oct 2010, 12:36:03 pm »
Thanks für Information!
And sorry for the German, but my english not the best.

LOL...neither is my German......although it is the land of my daddy's mother and father.
Hope the Babelfish translator didn't mangle things too badly....LOL.

Eric confirmed to me this morning that mork is officially on the way out.  But they are rebuilding drive tables, resynching, and trying to get things back on the road as soon as they are able.

I wished him the best of luck with the bailing wire and duct tape until they can obtain a new server to replace mork.

Please, everybody.  Try to keep the faith whilst this major transition occurs.  There is gonna be a lotta pissing and moaning on the Seti boards when they come back up.
The folks here, I think, have a better grasp of the reality of the situation and a more positive attitude than some Seti participants do.  Could you please try to reflect that in your posts at Seti for the next few weeks?

It might help smooth some feathers during these rough times.

Thanks, and meow meow.

Mark and the kitties.


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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #470 on: 18 Oct 2010, 04:33:14 pm »
I thought i would give youall a dish on the newest kitty poem.........

Not yet published on Seti.

I saw a little kitty just the other day.......
She was walking across my driveway.  Going her way.
I tried to coax me up to where I was....
but she was set in her ways,
wouldn't let me near.

She was not a feral, that I know.
For she would not have even let me approach her so.
I put some food out, hoping the she
might come back the next day
and consider approaching me.

Next day came and went and I did not see
my little kitty friend come back
to say hello to me.

Couple of days later, and a mile or two away,
I was driving along....
and in the middle of the night,
A kitty in the middle of the road.

You know, those eyes that glow in the headlights.

I stopped, and stared......now could it be?
The same little kitten in my driveway that was looking at me?
Wheeled around and went back to the parking lot where
I had last seen her run.
But the lot was quite bare.

I started to search, with my car standing by,
and then another car parked alongside mine, Oh, my.
He took one look at myself crawling there
in the bushes.....oh, Lord, what is he doing there?

Turns out that the security system had eyes only for me,
and not the kitty that I was seeking could they see.
It was hard to explain that I was trespassing so
Only to seek out a kitten that would make my heart glow.

And then the lot turned quite bright, for you see.......
The cops where looking for not the kitty, but me.
Grilled me for about an hour or so.......maybe it was two.
Did not believe that I was just a simple kitty soul.

I am not sure t(dy really believed me.....but they had nothing else to do that night.
Kitty has not been seen since that day........
Frickin' cops, they have gone their own way.

The local gendarms finally let me go when they figured out I was not trying to loot the

place for kibble.

Sent a couple of prayers up to the kitty Gods.....
Asking for the return of the lost one I sought.
The prayer's not been quite answered of yet.
But I'm not sure tha Lord can recieve all he's sent.

But my history's been writ on the cop's local glow........
"This man is the kittyman......
Just let his ass go."



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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #471 on: 18 Oct 2010, 05:05:52 pm »
Ok.......I am suffering fron Seti withdrawl

Got a couple of things to say............

I saw a little kitty just the other day.......
She was walking across my driveway.  Going her way.
I tried to coax me up to where I was....
but she was set in her ways,
wouldn't let me near.

She was not a feral, that I know.
For she would not have even let me approach her so.
I put some food out, hoping the she
might come back the next day
and consider approaching me.

Next day came and went and I did not see
my little kitty friend come back
to say hello to me.

Couple of days later, and a mile or two away,
I was driving along....
and in the middle of the night,
A kitty in the middle of the road.

You know, those eyes that glow in the headlights.

I stopped, and stared......now could it be?
The same little kitten in my driveway that was looking at me?
Wheeled around and went back to the parking lot where
I had last seen her run.
But the lot was quite bare.

I started to search, with my car standing by,
and then another car parked alongside mine, Oh, my.
He took one look at myself crawling there
in the bushes.....oh, Lord, what is he doing there?

Turns out that the security system had eyes only for me,
and not the kitty that I was seeking could they see.
It was hard to explain that I was trespassing so
Only to seek out a kitten that would make my heart glow.

And then the lot turned quite bright, for you see.......
The cops where looking for not the kitty, but me.
Grilled me for about an hour or so.......maybe it was two.
Did not believe that I was just a simple kitty soul.

I am not sure they really believed me.....but they had nothing else to do that night.
Kitty has not been seen since that day........
Frickin' cops, they have gone their own way.

The local gendarms finally let me go when they figured out I was not trying to loot the

place for kibble.

Sent a couple of prayers up to the kitty Gods.....
Asking for the return of the lost one I sought.
The prayer's not been quite answered of yet.
But I'm not sure the Lord can recieve all he's sent.

But my history's been writ on the cop's local glow........
"This man is the kittyman......
Just let his ass go."


And then this.........

Meet me in the middle of my dreams.....the we can talk.

Hammond B52 organ in the background.......kitties sighing for their lost soulds.
« Last Edit: 18 Oct 2010, 05:10:15 pm by msattler »

Offline JohnDK

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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #472 on: 18 Oct 2010, 05:14:47 pm »
How long does the database recovery normally take? Not that I need WUs  ;D
« Last Edit: 18 Oct 2010, 05:44:51 pm by JohnDK »


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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #473 on: 18 Oct 2010, 05:42:33 pm »
It takes until it takes.........

Meanwhile, back at the kitty ranch......I was just thinkin'.........

Bought that n word I got banished  for a while back.

And I might say.........fuck anybody who cannot see the humour that Mel Brooks intended in this.l
Niggers excluded, of course.  I suspect there are not any nigges monitoring thiese threds right now who might take offense.
And any persons of dark skin,,,,,,,,,,thiis was not  directed at you....it was Mel,s poke at our sometimes bad hope of liberty at your expense.

Offline JohnDK

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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #474 on: 18 Oct 2010, 05:46:58 pm »
Projects are down due to a database machine crash.
The machine that serves the BOINC database crashed. The projects are down until the recovery is complete. The current database machine has become too unreliable to continue as the primary DB server. We are going to move this functionality to the machine that is currently acting as the replica server. This will be a temporary fix, as this move will leave us with reduced throughput capacity. We are ordering a new replacement sever. This purchase is made possible by generous donations from SETI@Home participants.
18 Oct 2010 21:36:31 UTC

"reduced throughput capacity" means getting (even) harder downloading WUs I guess...
« Last Edit: 18 Oct 2010, 05:57:32 pm by JohnDK »


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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #475 on: 18 Oct 2010, 06:00:19 pm »
They are doing the best that they can do to patch up mork.....

They will try to do their best until kitty Holiday shows up to fis it all........

This is a different take on Doc's little difference of opinion.......

Offline arkayn

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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #476 on: 18 Oct 2010, 06:14:05 pm »
"reduced throughput capacity" means getting (even) harder downloading WUs I guess...
I think it mostly means that it will be a less powerful machine.

jocelyn: Sun V40z (4 x 2.2GHz Opteron, 28 GB RAM) - Replica (Either 4 or 8 cores)
mork: Intel Server (4 x six-core 2.13GHz Xeon, 64 GB RAM) - Master (24 cores)

Less cores and less RAM until they can get the new servers in place.


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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #477 on: 18 Oct 2010, 06:32:51 pm »
Asilde forn the server isuue, I have a social isssul that I must addrase.......

The n word.  'they are what they are, and choos to present thensvles to te.

If anybody pesent wishes to present themselves......please  do so now.
And I may stand down........or not.

I realize that all men were created equal..........

just an irrellevet movie clip............

White gurl with dirty blond hair......

No.......you aint right yet.


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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #478 on: 18 Oct 2010, 07:41:47 pm »
A  little sidetrack for you all........

One of my favoarite flicks.......

Young Frankenstein.

Stay close to the candles...............


Offline SciManStev

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Re: Seti is down again
« Reply #479 on: 18 Oct 2010, 08:33:04 pm »
"reduced throughput capacity" means getting (even) harder downloading WUs I guess...
I think it mostly means that it will be a less powerful machine.

jocelyn: Sun V40z (4 x 2.2GHz Opteron, 28 GB RAM) - Replica (Either 4 or 8 cores)
mork: Intel Server (4 x six-core 2.13GHz Xeon, 64 GB RAM) - Master (24 cores)

Less cores and less RAM until they can get the new servers in place.
I am so glad Mark had those two fund raisers. At least they have some cash to attempt a solid fix.



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