Well ghosts and cache again I guess...
LoL, I saw that funny exchange on NC just before it went down, and had a chuckle.
IMO More like try the sum total of:
- Clients built to perform Distributed denial of service atatcks on their servers,
- Timing induced by extended outages
- Moore's Law
- Limited download pipe
- probably more variables I haven't thought of
Symptoms don't count as causes:
- Ghosts are a symptom of pressure on the system in one or more places
- People increasing their client cache sizes is a symptomatic response
- Both may be subsequent cotnribtors to storage space filling up. With the recent increase in size allocated there I don't see how that could be a problem aready, and IIRC the numbers , Results out in the field has dropped substantially over the last week.
The Stepping up of quotas has shown to improved the equitability of work distribution, but IMO the stepping up has been too rapid ... Perhasps as a stress test ?
- More uptime seems to help, but with problematic servers for the time being that one's out
- addressing the other causes I think would take bucket loads of cash & time for the project. I hope the recent donations help some of those.
Don't know what to do about Moore's law though

Maybe we should all go back to Commodore 64s , Darn sight easier to program anyway, and no fans to clean out.