OK one last try.
reboot, update drivers for GUP's, last update about five or six weeks ago. check 6.4.7 can see and use both cards. OK save directories, remove app_info.xml and nogupu file;upgrade to 6.6.20! As you can see from the log it now sees both GPUS but has trashed all MB work, none in progress as I ran them to completeion first and reported before trying this. (Not that i don't trust this move to 6.6.20 or anything). Four MB WU's lost.
Now what? It's running on stock app's but I'm doing nothing until I can get MB running on both CUDA and CPU.
03/05/2009 09:34:06 Starting BOINC client version 6.6.20 for windows_intelx86
03/05/2009 09:34:06 log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
03/05/2009 09:34:06 Libraries: libcurl/7.19.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8j zlib/1.2.3
03/05/2009 09:34:06 Data directory: C:\ProgramData\BOINC
03/05/2009 09:34:06 Running under account Robert
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Processor: 4 AuthenticAMD AMD Phenom(tm) 9850 Quad-Core Processor [x86 Family 16 Model 2 Stepping 3]
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 pni 3dnow mmx
03/05/2009 09:34:07 OS: Microsoft Windows Vista: Ultimate x86 Editon, Service Pack 1, (06.00.6001.00)
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Memory: 3.00 GB physical, 6.20 GB virtual
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Disk: 465.76 GB total, 364.36 GB free
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Local time is UTC +1 hours
03/05/2009 09:34:07 CUDA devices: GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ (driver version 18250, CUDA version 1.1, 512MB, est. 86GFLOPS), GeForce 9400 GT (driver version 18250, CUDA version 1.1, 512MB, est. 8GFLOPS)
03/05/2009 09:34:07 SETI@home [error] No app version for result: windows_intelx86 608 cuda
03/05/2009 09:34:07 SETI@home [error] No app version for result: windows_intelx86 608 cuda
03/05/2009 09:34:07 SETI@home [error] No app version for result: windows_intelx86 608 cuda
03/05/2009 09:34:07 SETI@home [error] State file error: result 07fe09ac.32724. not found
03/05/2009 09:34:07 SETI@home [error] State file error: result 07fe09ac.32724.481.8.8.36_1 not found
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Not using a proxy
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Version change (6.4.7 -> 6.6.20)
03/05/2009 09:34:07 SETI@home URL:
http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/; Computer ID: 4793552; location: home; project prefs: home
03/05/2009 09:34:07 GPUGRID URL:
http://www.gpugrid.net/; Computer ID: 34718; location: (none); project prefs: default
03/05/2009 09:34:07 SETI@home General prefs: from SETI@home (last modified 14-Mar-2009 05:57:17)
03/05/2009 09:34:07 SETI@home Computer location: home
03/05/2009 09:34:07 General prefs: using separate prefs for home
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Reading preferences override file
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Preferences limit memory usage when active to 1534.79MB
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 2762.62MB
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Preferences limit disk usage to 10.00GB
03/05/2009 09:34:07 Preferences limit # CPUs to 4
03/05/2009 09:34:08 Running CPU benchmarks
03/05/2009 09:34:08 Suspending computation - running CPU benchmarks
03/05/2009 09:34:08 SETI@home Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
03/05/2009 09:34:08 SETI@home Not reporting or requesting tasks
03/05/2009 09:34:33 SETI@home Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
03/05/2009 09:34:39 Benchmark results:
03/05/2009 09:34:39 Number of CPUs: 4
03/05/2009 09:34:39 2530 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
03/05/2009 09:34:39 5214 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
03/05/2009 09:34:40 SETI@home Restarting task ap_21mr09ab_B2_P0_00098_20090501_22613.wu_1 using astropulse_v5 version 503
03/05/2009 09:34:40 SETI@home Restarting task ap_20mr09ae_B3_P0_00213_20090501_29643.wu_2 using astropulse_v5 version 503
03/05/2009 09:34:40 SETI@home Restarting task ap_21mr09ab_B2_P0_00100_20090501_22613.wu_0 using astropulse_v5 version 503
03/05/2009 09:34:40 SETI@home Restarting task ap_21mr09ab_B2_P0_00096_20090501_22613.wu_0 using astropulse_v5 version 503