I'm just slow on the uptake, I guess. Or maybe just plain ignorant. Or perhaps a combination of the two. I admit I've been away from this for a long time, because I didn't run SETI at all for quite a while.
I'm primarily trying to find 32bit linux SSE2 apps, to install on a CLI-only linux server. I also need to check and see if I ever installed the optimized app or apps on my Opty box. I suspect I've never run the Astropulse optimized app. And I see that there's a trick to running both. Or at least there was at one time, apparently. I wasn't able to find any real details on how to set up the app_info.xml to run both.
I do have AK_V8_linux32_sse2 and app_info.xml, dated 6/8/2008 and 6/6/2008 respecively. I know the linux server has SSE2. Assuming the Opty has SSE2, also (which I think it does - and I'll double-check with cpuz, of course) - would this be the one to run on both, or just the linux server (which has P4 Xeons)? Is there a better app somewhere for the linux server?
Turns out I only need multibeam, anyway. I turned off Astropulse in my preferences because the WUs are too darn big, although they would of course take a lot less time if I were running the Astropulse app.
And what's this I saw somewhere about needing an optimized client to go with the optimized app? Is this true for the CLI, or just for the GUI, or not true at all? I saw a post from a guy saying his RAC went back up significantly when he combined an optimized client with an optimized app. And I have seen elsewhere that people claim that the credits your computer claims have an impact on how much you're actually credited with.
I won't discount the possibility that this all amounts to pure baloney. I'm hoping that someone around here who is actually knowledgeable can straighten me out.
Sorry to be such a dunce about all of this. I really have looked around a bit (including meta searches using Vroosh), and haven't found all the pieces to put together yet.