From Einstein@home press-release:The new pulsar survey uses a specialized radio camera, the Arecibo L-band Feed Array, and is conducted by the PALFA Consortium.1) Is it possible to use data from this reciver for SETI ?2) What about sensitivity and signal to noise ratio for this detector compared to SETI own ones ?3) In what degree algorithms for this binary pulsar search and AP SETI search are overlapped ?
If so, they definitely won't be looking for repetitive pulses at anywhere near the periods AP uses, and dedispersion will have to be coarser and only suitable for more distant sources than AP. I do hope there will be overlap, just as the pulse finding in Enhanced in some senses overlaps with repetitive pulses from AP. Joe
Interesting, is it possible to establish some cooperation between projects to put found by Einstein signals into SETI database for subsequent analysis...