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Author Topic: Moved Boinc vesion, confused about reinstalling op app's  (Read 16742 times)


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Re: Moved Boinc vesion, confused about reinstalling op app's
« Reply #15 on: 04 May 2009, 10:26:18 am »
OK just rebooted (part of a non-crunch app upgrade), and I'm back to one GPU!  Vista still see's two GPU's. Is this an issue with 6.6.xx or what?

I'm fast getting  fed up of the grief this migration has caused, no wonder Seti is loosing CPU's to other projects. I wonder how many have given up and moved to GPUGrid, and/or Einstein?.



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Re: Moved Boinc vesion, confused about reinstalling op app's
« Reply #16 on: 04 May 2009, 10:50:25 am »
This is silly!

I can swap from one to two GPU's as follows:

1. Disable/susspend all GPU based projects; reboot. Result 2 GPU's

2. Disable/suspend SETI leave GPUGRID (only one task) active; reboot. Result 1 GPU.

3. Disable/suspend GPUGRID, leave SETI enabled (many CUDA tasks). Result 2 GPU's.

4. Download extra GPUGRID WU's to provide more than on task at reboot. Result 2 GPU's.

This is a Boinc client thing!!!!!

No wonder the transition has been hellish, if it depends on what is available at reboot.

Note:  When adding op apps for Milkyway (from ZSLIP - non GPU) 6.6.20 deleted all CUDA (both SETI and GPUGRID) tasks and downloaded a new set's, the deleted tasks still show as active in my task list on the web site. (P.S the Milkyway tasks did not vanish and the op app is working fine.)

Not happy with this version al all!
« Last Edit: 04 May 2009, 10:54:05 am by Rob.B »

Offline Raistmer

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Re: Moved Boinc vesion, confused about reinstalling op app's
« Reply #17 on: 04 May 2009, 01:14:08 pm »
report on BOINC forum, there are no BOINC devs AFAIK...


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