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Author Topic: New Guy with 64bit questions  (Read 9025 times)


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New Guy with 64bit questions
« on: 17 Apr 2009, 09:42:44 am »
I have been running the optimised apps for mb for as long as I can remember, easy enough to follow those instructions for 32 bit. I have just built a rig with an i7 920 running @ 3.8Ghz and 12Gb of ram and 2 9800 GX2's and Vista ultimate 64bit. I would like some help with instrucion on what I need to do to run the optimised apps of mb and ap 5.03 with the 64 bit client. Also ,is it possible to run the optimised apps concurrently with CUDA apps? Are there any optimised CUDA apps yet? Lot's of questions I know, but I am enthusiastic and fairly good with instructions so, any help would be greatly appreciated

Offline Raistmer

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Re: New Guy with 64bit questions
« Reply #1 on: 17 Apr 2009, 11:03:56 am »
I have been running the optimised apps for mb for as long as I can remember, easy enough to follow those instructions for 32 bit. I have just built a rig with an i7 920 running @ 3.8Ghz and 12Gb of ram and 2 9800 GX2's and Vista ultimate 64bit. I would like some help with instrucion on what I need to do to run the optimised apps of mb and ap 5.03 with the 64 bit client. Also ,is it possible to run the optimised apps concurrently with CUDA apps? Are there any optimised CUDA apps yet? Lot's of questions I know, but I am enthusiastic and fairly good with instructions so, any help would be greatly appreciated
In short, yes there are x64 opt apps and yes thare are CUDA opt app and they can be run together. If you read some top threads here and check downloads section you will find them all.
x64 AP is awaited for 5.05 and up version, no Windows x64 build for current 5.03.
« Last Edit: 17 Apr 2009, 11:06:37 am by Raistmer »


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Re: New Guy with 64bit questions
« Reply #2 on: 17 Apr 2009, 12:45:20 pm »
The AP optimizer on the download page for windows references that it is for x32 and x64?  Yet the download only references x32? Yes or no?  The last answer in regards to ap for x64 was difficult to understand...

Also, in reference to the version of the optimizer  - SSE, SSE3, SSSE4.1, What is the difference and does one work better or give faster results?


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