I've tried to use this mod version on S@H CUDA WU but always get computation error within 30 secs. Not sure what I have done wrong. Is there any place I can retrieve the log of this error WU?
Read Raistmer's post two before yours since you are also using Boinc 6.6.20,
I assume this is the host you're talking about:
And Please Stop using Optimised Astropulse 5.00 r103 on Seti Beta, It' doesn't validate with 5.03 on Seti Main, and it sure Won't Validate with AP 5.04 or 5.05
Is that mean I should delete any reference line that link to the CPU app in my app_info? I've attcahed my current app_info as below.
The second Computer ID isn't mine, I've not crunch SETI beta for a while although part of my rig hasn't been updated to reflect this. I'll try to do that soon. So is there any optimized app that can be used with Beta?