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Author Topic: V10/11 of modified SETI MB CUDA + opt AP package for full multi-GPU+CPU use  (Read 242676 times)

Offline Raistmer

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Hi everyone. I have a quick question. If I try the package with 6.6.20 will I need to edit app_info to include flops (or edit it in any other way for that matter), or will it just be enough to do what's said in the first post?



my PC

There is two ways to achieve the same goal (use all 3 opt apps for crunching).
Either by using my V10 pack or by using BOINC 6.6.14 and up with corresponding app info file.
If you have no problems with BOINC 6.6.20 itself the second way is better that is, with BOINC 6.6.20 you need ONLY CUDA MB part of V10 pack (or even better, V10/11 update, I will post it to first page too soon. For now search this thread). Correct app_info you can take from this thread on SETI main forum:

And don't forget to  remove cc_config.xml file when you end using "team" pack. It was only temporary solution until BOINC can't do CUDA scheduling correctly. Now BOINC repaired so - no need to use team pack anymore. Only CUDA opt app could be used still cause it gives some performance increase over stock one.


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There is two ways to achieve the same goal (use all 3 opt apps for crunching).
Either by using my V10 pack or by using BOINC 6.6.14 and up with corresponding app info file.
If you have no problems with BOINC 6.6.20 itself the second way is better that is, with BOINC 6.6.20 you need ONLY CUDA MB part of V10 pack (or even better, V10/11 update, I will post it to first page too soon. For now search this thread).

This one, right? What about AK_v8b_win_SSE3_AMD_GPU_CPU_team_V10.exe and AP apps? Do i take them from v10 package, or do I just skip them?

Correct app_info you can take from this thread on SETI main forum:

Allright, I'll give it a go.

Thanks Raistmer

« Last Edit: 05 Apr 2009, 05:04:24 pm by fusion2905 »


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I've tried to use this mod version on S@H CUDA WU but always get computation error within 30 secs. Not sure what I have done wrong. Is there any place I can retrieve the log of this error WU?

Offline Claggy

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I've tried to use this mod version on S@H CUDA WU but always get computation error within 30 secs. Not sure what I have done wrong. Is there any place I can retrieve the log of this error WU?

Read Raistmer's post two before yours since you are also using Boinc 6.6.20,

I assume this is the host you're talking about:


And Please Stop using Optimised Astropulse 5.00 r103 on Seti Beta, It' doesn't validate with 5.03 on Seti Main, and it sure Won't Validate with AP 5.04 or 5.05




  • Guest
I've tried to use this mod version on S@H CUDA WU but always get computation error within 30 secs. Not sure what I have done wrong. Is there any place I can retrieve the log of this error WU?

Read Raistmer's post two before yours since you are also using Boinc 6.6.20,

I assume this is the host you're talking about:


And Please Stop using Optimised Astropulse 5.00 r103 on Seti Beta, It' doesn't validate with 5.03 on Seti Main, and it sure Won't Validate with AP 5.04 or 5.05



Is that mean I should delete any reference line that link to the CPU app in my app_info? I've attcahed my current app_info as below.


The second Computer ID isn't mine, I've not crunch SETI beta for a while although part of my rig hasn't been updated to reflect this. I'll try to do that soon. So is there any optimized app that can be used with Beta?


Offline Raistmer

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AK_v8b_win_SSE3_AMD_GPU_CPU_team_V10.exe and AP apps? Do i take them from v10 package, or do I just skip them?

You can take AP app from V10 pack (V503 rev112) it's identical to standalone Lunatics build but should not use AK_v8 "teamed" apps with 6.6.20 and new app_info.
You should replace them with usual AK_v8 apps from Lunatics Download section.

Offline Claggy

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I've tried to use this mod version on S@H CUDA WU but always get computation error within 30 secs. Not sure what I have done wrong. Is there any place I can retrieve the log of this error WU?

Read Raistmer's post two before yours since you are also using Boinc 6.6.20,

I assume this is the host you're talking about:


And Please Stop using Optimised Astropulse 5.00 r103 on Seti Beta, It' doesn't validate with 5.03 on Seti Main, and it sure Won't Validate with AP 5.04 or 5.05



Is that mean I should delete any reference line that link to the CPU app in my app_info? I've attcahed my current app_info as below.


The second Computer ID isn't mine, I've not crunch SETI beta for a while although part of my rig hasn't been updated to reflect this. I'll try to do that soon. So is there any optimized app that can be used with Beta?


Your app_info seems to be missing the first few lines


You should replace AK_v8b_win_SSSE3x_GPU_CPU_team_V10.exe with the normal SSSE3 app.

Are sure that isn't your host on Beta?, Because it links through to the other hosts on Main.

« Last Edit: 06 Apr 2009, 08:30:42 am by Claggy »


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Well, everything seems to be working fine now  ;D

Thanks again Raistmer

Out of curiosity though, what kind of temperatures are you guys seeing on your GPU and CPU(s)?


Offline Raistmer

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Out of curiosity though, what kind of temperatures are you guys seeing on your GPU and CPU(s)?

Still in process of OCing, but when I rised shader freq to 1920 and got temp of 62-65C GPU started produce many computation errors and invalid results.
With 1910 and temp around 62C it works OK it seems. Memory on 1110x2 for now, engine freq still untouched on 600MHz.


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With all my CPU and GPU power. I am still getting really bad results.
Thank you

Offline sunu

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elec999 is this you?

This machine runs stock apps. You should switch it to optimized apps.

Checking your most powerful machines, you don't seem to have such a high workunit output. Do you use all of their cores? Do you use them all day, every day (24/7)? If you want good RAC and overall credit, you need to run your machines 24/7.

Edit: If you don't have already, upgrade your boinc to 6.6.20, especially those machines with CUDA GPU.
« Last Edit: 07 Apr 2009, 09:31:50 am by sunu »


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Hey guys, need some help.

I have a i7 920 running with 3x GTX285s (don't worry 1 is on loan ;)). Vista X64. BOINC 6.6.20

I was running the "base" client and getting MB wu's completed in about 10 mins real time per GPU. I've now enabled astropulse and installed this V10 app.

The "number_of_GPUs" file is set to: 3

CC_config is set to:

Now when I restarted BOINC, all of my CUDA MB units switched over to standard CPU WU's (8 running) and I do not see any CUDA apps running.  Now whats weird is my GPUs are still seeing a load (not full load) and getting warm.

So...what did I screw up? ;)

Thanks guys

BTW. here is a link to the host details if that helps:

« Last Edit: 07 Apr 2009, 11:14:31 pm by codeman05 »


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So...what did I screw up? ;)

I stand corrected. It does look like I'm using 3 GPUs and 5 logical CPUs...The application column dropped the "(cuda)" designation so that threw me off.

I'm not getting AP units, but I guess as long as the CPUs are also crunching MBs...that's not a problem?

What is odd though is that I was getting to claim ~50 points per MB cuda WU before installing this apt. Now it looks like I'm only getting ~15points per wu.
That sound right?

client is 6.6.20 btw.
« Last Edit: 07 Apr 2009, 11:14:19 pm by codeman05 »

Offline sunu

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I'm not getting AP units, but I guess as long as the CPUs are also crunching MBs...that's not a problem?

Have you got an optimized AP app? You've also got to edit accordingly your app_info.xml.

What is odd though is that I was getting to claim ~50 points per CUDA WU before installing this apt. Now it looks like I'm only getting ~15points per wu.
That sound right?

It's just a matter of workunit angle range.

Update your boinc to 6.6.20.


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Hi Sunu,

Thanks for the help.

I am running 6.6.20, sorry left that out before.
Sounds good, I was thinking it was something to get with the angle, but since it happened at the exact same time I switched over. I wasn't sure.

I did resets the project to see if that would make a difference...I now have 11 WU's running at once rather than 8.

here is my AP info

- <app_info>
- <app>
- <file_info>
  <executable />
- <app_version>
- <file_ref>
  <main_program />
- <app>
- <file_info>
  <executable />
- <app_version>
- <file_ref>
  <main_program />
- <app>
- <file_info>
  <executable />
- <file_info>
  <executable />
- <file_info>
  <executable />
- <file_info>
  <executable />
- <file_info>
  <executable />
- <app_version>
- <file_ref>
  <main_program />
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <app_version>
- <file_ref>
  <main_program />
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <app_version>
- <file_ref>
  <main_program />
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <app_version>
- <file_ref>
  <main_program />
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
- <file_ref>
« Last Edit: 08 Apr 2009, 12:00:18 am by codeman05 »


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