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Say hello if visiting :) by Gecko
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Seti is down again by Mike
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Some considerations regarding OpenCL MultiBeam app tuning from algorithm view by Raistmer
11 Dec 2016, 06:30:56 am

Loading APU to the limit: performance considerations by Mike
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Better sleep on Windows - new round by Raistmer
26 Aug 2016, 02:02:31 pm

Author Topic: V10/11 of modified SETI MB CUDA + opt AP package for full multi-GPU+CPU use  (Read 235623 times)

[B^S] zioriga

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Is it possible to have a grid displaying all the versions, with, at least, a brief explanation and the platform involved and a link to a specific forum ?? (and whatever else usefull for a better comprehension of all the optimized Seti applications)
Something like http://www.zslip.com/ for milkyway !!

Offline RottenMutt

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i think you mean queues
I wonder if could be 2 queues, one for ap , sec for gpu - all mb go for gpu , and we could set cpu cores for queues ap  , and units gpu with queues mb , and if ap queues would be empty they could fetch from sec queues mb - that could solve problems with gpu idle - and cpu idle , and for cpu - eliminate situation when work at 3 wu on 2 cores

this is what boinc 6.6.17 (beta) does.  you need to use MarkJ's app_info file and edit it to use all of Raistmer's apps.

Offline Marius

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Look this thread about CUDA app freezings: http://lunatics.kwsn.net/12-gpu-crunching/vbscript-fights-cuda.0.html

Thanks Raistmer, hadn't realized that thread was the solution. Works perfectly sofar:

22-03-2009 15:33:23 > 03ja09ab.14408.24323.15.8.250_1 runtime 41s -> compute error?
22-03-2009 17:13:52 > 03ja09aa.9115.25021.15.8.235_1 runtime 123s -> stuck ?
22-03-2009 17:16:35 > 03ja09aa.9115.25021.15.8.250_1 runtime 285s -> stuck ?
22-03-2009 17:24:42 > 03ja09aa.9115.25021.15.8.248_1 runtime 773s -> stuck ?
22-03-2009 17:27:25 > 03ja09aa.9115.25021.15.8.254_1 runtime 935s -> stuck ?
22-03-2009 17:30:07 > 03ja09aa.9115.25021.15.8.249_1 runtime 1098s -> stuck ?
22-03-2009 18:58:02 > 30dc08aa.20531.4571.15.8.224_1 runtime 83s -> compute error?
22-03-2009 19:37:22 > 03ja09ad.9820.481.10.8.171_1 runtime 62s -> compute error?
22-03-2009 20:18:32 > 10ja09ac.28248.3340.3.8.96_1 runtime 128s -> stuck ?
23-03-2009 02:00:26 > 03ja09ad.9820.13160.10.8.120_1 runtime 82s -> compute error?
23-03-2009 08:56:39 > 11ja09aa.20812.20931.7.8.2_0 runtime 44s -> compute error?
23-03-2009 10:15:18 > 10ja09ac.24743.77435.8.8.0_1 runtime 43s -> compute error?
23-03-2009 17:05:30 > 10ja09ac.24743.89296.8.8.3_1 runtime 43s -> compute error?


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where can I find Mark app_info.xml ? , should I use Raistmer apps or use standalone optimized ap and mb ak v8 ?

Offline Raistmer

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where can I find Mark app_info.xml ? , should I use Raistmer apps or use standalone optimized ap and mb ak v8 ?
with BOINC 6.6.17 you should be able to use "standalone" opt apps.


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I have all errors on cuda mb :( , even if i edited platform to windows_x86_64 , but what i need change it uses setiathome_6.08_windows_intelx86__cuda.exe , where can i download 64bit version?

Offline Raistmer

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I have all errors on cuda mb :( , even if i edited platform to windows_x86_64 , but what i need change it uses setiathome_6.08_windows_intelx86__cuda.exe , where can i download 64bit version?
There is no x64 CUDA MB released cause preliminary builds still doesn't show any speed increase.

Offline Raistmer

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Here V10/11 CUDA MB update (old filename used to simplify updating).
Just replace your current CUDA MB executable with this one.
It has some performance gain due to decreased CPU consumption during startup.

ADDON: Also, it should do more smooth %done increase indication.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: 23 Mar 2009, 03:44:54 pm by Raistmer »


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Here V10/11 CUDA MB update (old filename used to simplify updating).
Just replace your current CUDA MB executable with this one.
It has some performance gain due to decreased CPU consumption during startup.

ADDON: Also, it should do more smooth %done increase indication.

Seems to work great :)


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Just switched to the optimized apps and things seem to be running quite well.  I don't have any AP workunits yet, I disabled them to make sure I got some MB for CUDA.  Hopefully AP work units will go faster as well.  I've only had two notable issues so far.

1.  Trying to track down the latest release + update + get it all together is rather confusing
2.  I'm on a laptop and had to update my graphics drivers via laptopvideotogo.com

Given the fairly small numbers of downloads I see right now I may be able to host your apps on my server if your interested Raistmer.  Possibly could have a centralized status page as well for latest version information.

Have you considered releasing optimized apps for platforms other than windows?  I'm crunching MB units in about 3 hours on a Core2 6320 (1.86GHz) on FreeBSD and it would be nice if I could crunch a bit faster.
« Last Edit: 23 Mar 2009, 09:29:54 pm by Torndar »

Offline Raistmer

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Just switched to the optimized apps and things seem to be running quite well.  I don't have any AP workunits yet, I disabled them to make sure I got some MB for CUDA.  Hopefully AP work units will go faster as well.  I've only had two notable issues so far.

1.  Trying to track down the latest release + update + get it all together is rather confusing
2.  I'm on a laptop and had to update my graphics drivers via laptopvideotogo.com

Given the fairly small numbers of downloads I see right now I may be able to host your apps on my server if your interested Raistmer.  Possibly could have a centralized status page as well for latest version information.

Have you considered releasing optimized apps for platforms other than windows?  I'm crunching MB units in about 3 hours on a Core2 6320 (1.86GHz) on FreeBSD and it would be nice if I could crunch a bit faster.
As all conservation laws say, for reducing someone efforts someone else should do work.
For now I have no time to collect updates, do nice web pages and so on... I hope you understand. If someone wonna do this work, it would be very appreciated.
About FreeBSD - never worked with this OS. There is some porter to FreeBSD in boinc_opt mail list, but he wants to work only with stock app codebase. Maybe when part of optimizations will be carried into stock code another platforms will get performance boost too (in first place it concerns AP app).

Offline KarVi

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Here V10/11 CUDA MB update (old filename used to simplify updating).
Just replace your current CUDA MB executable with this one.
It has some performance gain due to decreased CPU consumption during startup.

ADDON: Also, it should do more smooth %done increase indication.

Does this have VLAR kill?
A smile is the shortest distance between two peoble (Victor Borge).

Offline Raistmer

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Offline KarVi

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OK. Thanks.

Will try it out on my "old" rig.
A smile is the shortest distance between two peoble (Victor Borge).


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:-) i use 6.6.17 boinc 64bit, and small changed mark's app_info , and ak v8 64bit , ap 32bit , and mb cuda 32bit too ,  yeah , i updated nvidia notebook driver to vista64 181.22 , and now working without error :-) thanks , with Raistmer opts i couldnt get any cuda work , now i have many wu waiting , and ap working too
« Last Edit: 24 Mar 2009, 04:23:50 pm by chronek »


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