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Some considerations regarding OpenCL MultiBeam app tuning from algorithm view by Raistmer
11 Dec 2016, 06:30:56 am

Loading APU to the limit: performance considerations by Mike
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Better sleep on Windows - new round by Raistmer
26 Aug 2016, 02:02:31 pm

Author Topic: V10/11 of modified SETI MB CUDA + opt AP package for full multi-GPU+CPU use  (Read 242634 times)


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ok I closed out of boinc  copied the files in the Raistmer's_opt_pack_V10a_x64_SSSE3_MB_CPU_GPU_team.rar file into the seti boinc folder and created the cc_config.xml file when i restarted boinc every WU failed except the ap WU then when boinc connected it didnt download any enhanced seti WU but it downloaded ap Wu's now i am crunching 3 Ap Wu's. what do i need to do to get crunching seti enhanced wu's again?
Maybe to read first post and follow its recommendations ? ;)

well i assumed that if you read my post that you would know i had 2 cores plus 1 gpu hence the "crunching 3 Ap Wu's" stated in the original post but your right i did forget the link to my host so here it is ... http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/show_host_detail.php?hostid=4773686

Ok, but time lost, now we have "under maintenance state" will take a look after.

setiathome_CUDA: Found 1 CUDA device(s):
Cuda error 'cudaGetDeviceProperties( &cDevProp, i )' in file 'd:/BTR/SETI6/SETI_MB_CUDA/client/cuda/cudaAcceleration.cu' in line 135 : invalid argument.

SO CUDA can't even detect what GPUs your host has. Check if all required DLLs installed, check driver version (at least 180.20 required) and be sure you don't use service (protected) BOINC installation.

as for the service protected install dont remember if i did or didnt but i know i was processing seti using cuda before the install of the optimized app. will check to make sure of the video driver version i think its the latest one out there dated feb 09 but i'll look again. 

ok i had 179.xx installed. now i have 180.20 installed.  now how do i go about getting wu's other then astropulse running.  here is what my cc_config.xml file contains in case something there is a problem.


« Last Edit: 04 Mar 2009, 03:38:58 pm by trader1_1 »

Offline Raistmer

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1) http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/show_host_detail.php?hostid=4820762
V9 pack used, all work.

2) http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/results.php?hostid=4737399&offset=1160&show_names=0

Too big cache, tired to find completed results  :P
V9 pack used, all work.

3) http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/results.php?hostid=4675326&offset=20&show_names=0

Host config broken.
CreateProcess() failed - Access is denied. (0x5)

Why do you use DEVELOPMENT BOINC version? Do you member of BOINC beta tester group or BOINC developer to use it?
Or do you one of guys who like to create problems on plain place?
If you going to use advanced stuff be prepared to handle consequencies, otherwise even don't touch it!
It like shoot yourself in the leg. I write it here in forum and not in PM couse it touches  ALL users who do the same things with their hosts.
BOINC development versions have many already known problems with scheduling and work fetch and probably some of still unknown ones. And when you (all of you!) try to use them for production work you doing something not good definitely. And then you come to seti app devs with BOINC problems  :-X

For this particular host error is clearly designated: CreateProcess() failed - Access is denied. (0x5)
Check why one app can't access to another app on your host. Begin with security rights assignment policy.
« Last Edit: 04 Mar 2009, 04:27:18 am by Raistmer »


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Did you ever build on for older SSE2 AMD CPUs + a GPU?


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If you're interested I can test the stock apps if it's working in general or not. ;) Already installed the stock apps on one system today to see if it's running without a remote desktop connection and would test it with remote desktop tomorrow.

jFYI, the stock apps are working fine logged in via remote desktop. :-\



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My GTX 260 is been sitting there for three days now. I complety removed Boinc and reinstalled it.
Thank you

Offline Raistmer

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Did you ever build on for older SSE2 AMD CPUs + a GPU?
What config do you have? For what CPU you need SSE2 app ?

Offline Raistmer

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If you're interested I can test the stock apps if it's working in general or not. ;) Already installed the stock apps on one system today to see if it's running without a remote desktop connection and would test it with remote desktop tomorrow.

jFYI, the stock apps are working fine logged in via remote desktop. :-\


The single difference between my build and stock one that can influence of CUDA app startup is CUDA version used at compile time. I use CUDA 2.1, stock version - probably 2.0.
So, different driver versions are required to run. Check if you have 180.20 and up installed. There should be no difference in remote desktop related behavior.
Try to describe your test case in details so I could reproduce it on my hosts.
« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2009, 12:49:42 am by Raistmer »

Offline Raistmer

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My GTX 260 is been sitting there for three days now. I complety removed Boinc and reinstalled it.
Thank you

1) Install BOINC 6.4.5 as proven to work. I will not even try to explore situations with higher BOINC versions - they are KNOWN to have bugs (maybe 6.5.0 is OK, I don't know, I personally know that 6.4.5 is OK for V10 configs).

2) Install V10a pack. Check that number_of_gpus and cc_config.xml are edited to reflect your number of CUDA-enabled GPUs and number of cores + number of GPUs respectively.

3) Start BOINC.

If it will not work, then probably screenshots will be required.


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My nvidia GTX 295 seems to run only on 1 core. Sometimes even this core stops. :(
System: Q9450 @ 3,4 (water), geforce GTX 295.


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If you're interested I can test the stock apps if it's working in general or not. ;) Already installed the stock apps on one system today to see if it's running without a remote desktop connection and would test it with remote desktop tomorrow.

jFYI, the stock apps are working fine logged in via remote desktop. :-\


The single difference between my build and stock one that can influence of CUDA app startup is CUDA version used at compile time. I use CUDA 2.1, stock version - probably 2.0.
So, different driver versions are required to run. Check if you have 180.20 and up installed. There should be no difference in remote desktop related behavior.
Try to describe your test case in details so I could reproduce it on my hosts.

Hello Raistmer,

Please excuse the wrong information posted from my side. Guess I've checked some wrong workunits yesterday. They were ok, but must be processed without a remote desktop session. I used the PC today via remote desktop only, checked again some workunits and they were listed with the outcome "Success". Having a closer look on those tasks, all were showing the same error like optimized apps - "initialization error". The differnce is that stock apps are falling back from GPU to CPU processing. So they will be computed with the CPU and a result send to the server. As it's does not make sense/is not possible for optimized apps to fall back from GPU to CPU (already used) the workunit will not be continued and reported with a "Client error"...

Stock app result:

setiathome_CUDA: Found 1 CUDA device(s):
   Device 1 : Device Emulation (CPU)
           totalGlobalMem = -1
           sharedMemPerBlock = 16384
           regsPerBlock = 8192
           warpSize = 1
           memPitch = 262144
           maxThreadsPerBlock = 512
           clockRate = 1350000
           totalConstMem = 65536
           major = 9999
           minor = 9999
           textureAlignment = 256
           deviceOverlap = 0
           multiProcessorCount = 16
setiathome_CUDA: device 1 is emulation device and should not be used, supports 9999.9999
setiathome_CUDA: CUDA Device 1 specified, checking...
   Device 1: Device Emulation (CPU) is okay
SETI@home using CUDA accelerated device Device Emulation (CPU)
Cuda error 'cufftPlan1d(&fft_analysis_plans[FftNum], FftLen, CUFFT_C2C, NumDataPoints / FftLen)' in file 'c:/sw/gpgpu/seti/seti_boinc/client/cuda/cudaAcc_fft.cu' in line 49 : initialization error.
Cuda error 'cufftPlan1d(&fft_analysis_plans[FftNum], FftLen, CUFFT_C2C, NumDataPoints / FftLen)' in file 'c:/sw/gpgpu/seti/seti_boinc/client/cuda/cudaAcc_fft.cu' in line 49 : initialization error.
setiathome_CUDA: CUDA runtime ERROR in plan FFT. Falling back to HOST CPU processing...
setiathome_enhanced 6.03 Visual Studio/Microsoft C++
libboinc: 6.3.22

So nothing to waste additional time on from your side. :D

I am sorry for any circumstances and thanks a lot for your great work! :)

yodi - with already installed TightVNC - that might work fine


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i've checked everything my video driver was 179.xx now i have 185.20 and for some reason iit doesnt download anything but ap wu's

Offline Raistmer

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i've checked everything my video driver was 179.xx now i have 185.20 and for some reason iit doesnt download anything but ap wu's

All loading/work fetches up to BOINC, see prev posts.

Offline Raistmer

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My nvidia GTX 295 seems to run only on 1 core. Sometimes even this core stops. :(
System: Q9450 @ 3,4 (water), geforce GTX 295.
Ask on main forums - I seen some messages with similar troubles - you need to enable second core some way. Maybe turn off SLI mode if it applies here?

Offline Raistmer

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yodi - with already installed TightVNC - that might work fine
I still use remote desktop on my server host, but just don't touch local login session. That is, BOINC runs under user session logged locally and I connect to another session remotely. It works fine for me.
Think it's possible on WinXP too, you just need 2 different user accounts in this case (not sure though - didn't try this).

Offline Devaster

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My nvidia GTX 295 seems to run only on 1 core. Sometimes even this core stops. :(
System: Q9450 @ 3,4 (water), geforce GTX 295.
Ask on main forums - I seen some messages with similar troubles - you need to enable second core some way. Maybe turn off SLI mode if it applies here?

... and activate the psychX computing on seconnd core or exted desktop on it ....


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