BOINC v.6.6.12 just download some "setiathome_enhanced 6.3" tasks to feed my CPU. It fall into "high priority" mode afterward so i can't check now if it can download 6.8 tasks correctly to feed the GPU (there are some "application-empty GPU WU" left to do from the previous version of BOINC).
If you put <sched_ops>1</sched_ops> in a cc_config.xml file you can see what type of work request you get, eithier CPU or GPU,
With Boinc 6.6.12 CPU work requests works do work, But GPU work requests didn't, you just got a 24hour backoff, but Seti Main now has a new scheduler,
so GPU requests might work now, on Boinc 6.6.14 if the CPU tasks are in "high priority", it'll still do a GPU request to get Cuda work, 6.6.12 might be the same.