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Author Topic: V9 of modified SETI MB CUDA + opt AP package for full GPU+CPU utilization  (Read 75576 times)

Offline The Grinch

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I have copy all in to the project, but CUDA does not work!
BIONC Manager 6.6.0 x64
Sorry, but it is monday .. and every one takes a phonecall .. and all work must be KNOW ..

Offline VoidPilot

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thnx to everyone involved for all the effort on the optimised apps...love them.

I just want to check something out if I may.  I only crunch seti, no other projects.  I have boinc 6.6.9 running on two boxes with Raistmer's V9 package SSSE3.  Both boxes only run 4 threads, 3 on the cpu cores and 1 on the Nvidia graphics card.  Both boxes have cc_config at 5.  1 core in box is idle.  It was the same for the V8 and V7 packages even when I was running 6.6.4, 6.6.3.

Is it supposed to run this way or should there be 5 threads running..

Offline Raistmer

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thnx to everyone involved for all the effort on the optimised apps...love them.

I just want to check something out if I may.  I only crunch seti, no other projects.  I have boinc 6.6.9 running on two boxes with Raistmer's V9 package SSSE3.  Both boxes only run 4 threads, 3 on the cpu cores and 1 on the Nvidia graphics card.  Both boxes have cc_config at 5.  1 core in box is idle.  It was the same for the V8 and V7 packages even when I was running 6.6.4, 6.6.3.

Is it supposed to run this way or should there be 5 threads running..
There should be no idle cores.
Check place where you put cc_config. Look first post.

Offline mr.mac52

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Ok, #1 lurker fessing up here.  I up graded this morning to the x64 kit but with S@H wedged on I/O, I'm not sure when I'll get any WU to try out the 64 bit version.  Once the I/O issues are cleared up and I get some S@H WUs, I'll let you know how it works.

Thanks for all the hard work you'all do for us lurkers'.



  • Guest
If this is not needed still in 6.5.0 (which I have) when installing V9, then the question below is redundent, however its still valid for its own sake as it appears strange since it looks correct.

When I try to use the following in an xml file (sourced from Word or IE or any xml editor, tried several) and saved as file type xml:


I get the following error message in BOINC Manager:

Missing start tag in cc_config.xml

They seem to be nested correctly etc - any clues? 

Offline Raistmer

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If this is not needed still in 6.5.0 (which I have) when installing V9, then the question below is redundent, however its still valid for its own sake as it appears strange since it looks correct.

When I try to use the following in an xml file (sourced from Word or IE or any xml editor, tried several) and saved as file type xml:


I get the following error message in BOINC Manager:

Missing start tag in cc_config.xml

They seem to be nested correctly etc - any clues? 
1)use notepad ONLY (or FAR embedded editor) IE too clever with XML to be good for it - it change format as it like, not as BOINC like.
2) cc_config is NEEDED look first page.


  • Guest
Notepad did the trick, many thanks   ;D

And a note of greatful thanks for all that you do with these apps, I know its been said many times, but it always bares repeating - you do a wonderful job that makes so many peoples lives a lot easier - Thank You  ;)

Offline Raistmer

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Notepad did the trick, many thanks   ;D

And a note of greatful thanks for all that you do with these apps, I know its been said many times, but it always bares repeating - you do a wonderful job that makes so many peoples lives a lot easier - Thank You  ;)



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What are the proper settings to make SETI CUDA run all the time, but the computer processors to run only when the machine is idle?

is that possible?

Also, I have set the # of ncpus to 3 (dual core + 9800 GT), but in the TASKS it shows THREE "enhanced" tasks running at the same time.  Is that correct??

Offline Raistmer

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What are the proper settings to make SETI CUDA run all the time, but the computer processors to run only when the machine is idle?

is that possible?

Also, I have set the # of ncpus to 3 (dual core + 9800 GT), but in the TASKS it shows THREE "enhanced" tasks running at the same time.  Is that correct??

1)it's BOINC defualt behavior - CPU app running only when CPU idle from another tasks, casue app priority is only 1 point higher than idle process. All another ready to run process will force science app to free CPU (Win OS will do that actually of course).
2) If one of them shows CPU time close to zero - yes, it's OK.

Offline efmer (fred)

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Is there any need to update this one (it works w.o. any problems. I'm running other projects as well and the new op. AP version.
TThrottle Keep your temperatures controlled.
BoincTasks The best way to view BOINC

Offline Raistmer

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Is there any need to update this one (it works w.o. any problems. I'm running other projects as well and the new op. AP version.
No need to update - never break working system ;)
If you added AP 5.03 - all fine. Only AMD team app speeded up a littlein new release, all other enhancements should decrease amount of cases when GPU stays idle.


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Just got first WUs for the Projekt. Tested V9 64bit directly, works fine for me, with Windows 7 64 bit. 182.06 is my W7 Graphics Driver version and i'm using Boinc Manager 6.4.5

But i can't say anything on the speed so far.

Offline efmer (fred)

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No need to update - never break working system ;)
If you added AP 5.03 - all fine. Only AMD team app speeded up a littlein new release, all other enhancements should decrease amount of cases when GPU stays idle.
The Ap is running now there is enough work. If your are interested I noticed a definite correlation between the cuda.exe and the GPU temperature and run time. The faster the cuda.exe runs (the more time it gets to run  or the CPU is faster e.g. overclock) the GPU does more work in less time. So maybe optimizing the cuda.exe run time is not a bad idea afterall.
TThrottle Keep your temperatures controlled.
BoincTasks The best way to view BOINC

Offline Raistmer

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No need to update - never break working system ;)
If you added AP 5.03 - all fine. Only AMD team app speeded up a littlein new release, all other enhancements should decrease amount of cases when GPU stays idle.
The Ap is running now there is enough work. If your are interested I noticed a definite correlation between the cuda.exe and the GPU temperature and run time. The faster the cuda.exe runs (the more time it gets to run  or the CPU is faster e.g. overclock) the GPU does more work in less time. So maybe optimizing the cuda.exe run time is not a bad idea afterall.
What is cuda.exe  ??


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