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Author Topic: Great new for me, at least, seti on all four cores + GPU running (Boinc 6.6.9)  (Read 8728 times)


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I got another GPU, I reinstalled all the cuda drivers and boinc. boinc_6.6.9 + 181.20_geforce. Now Boinc runs seti on all four of my cores and GPU. Only problem is that optimized client, Raistmer's_opt_package_V8a_CPU_GPU_team_SSE3 only runs seti on one GPU, not two. Any mods to run all my GPUS.
Config Q6600 (4cores), Nvidia 9800GT (running), Nvidia 8800GTS (stopped). Physx off on alll cards. Is there anyone making a optimized client to run on all four cores + 2 GPUs.
Current config,
- <cc_config>
- <options>

 <ncpus>4Cores+2GPU</ncpus>, is this right, I guess?

Somescreenshots with no optimized client.


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Task Manager

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Boinc client with seti.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Raistmer

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Unfortunately, 6.03 way slower than AK_v8.
So, using BOINC 6.6.9 with stock apps you losing much of processing power.

BOINC still needs app_info support for such configs. When it will do its job I announce "team" mod deprecated... but still not now ;)


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