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Author Topic: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod  (Read 166519 times)

Offline Raistmer

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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #120 on: 05 Feb 2009, 11:25:28 am »
LoL ... You need less cores, and to run AstroPulse  ;D Let me see if I can remember my photobucket account.

[Now for this new app, I have my AstroPulse section, and Enhanced with this new exe with the ciuda * fftw DLL's right , Anything else needed ? ]
Well, think not. You could try to use this build as "standalone" CUDA app, w/o AK_v8 modified part. So you will do AP on CPU and MB on GPU...

(And you you want AK_v8 on CPU too - better just download V8a combo and then edit app_info and upgrade CUDA app as needed)
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2009, 11:28:13 am by Raistmer »

Offline Jason G

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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #121 on: 05 Feb 2009, 11:28:52 am »
Oh I see, But there is no AP left, How I make it run AK & Cuda then?

Offline Raistmer

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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #122 on: 05 Feb 2009, 11:31:14 am »
Oh I see, But there is no AP left, How I make it run AK & Cuda then?

Download V8a combo (full package) from first page of this thread. Then update CUDA app to one of latest flavors :)

Offline Jason G

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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #123 on: 05 Feb 2009, 12:00:08 pm »
Will Do,
   I think your quad has some way to rise yet.  Here's the E8400 @ 3.6GHz + 9600GSO@20%OC running v7VLARKillMod on GPU & AP on CPU  ,  90% on  main shown, 10% beta.  and in 45 Degrees C weather ;D  (Dip is where the AP validators were off those few days).

« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2009, 12:14:21 pm by Jason G »

Offline Raistmer

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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #124 on: 05 Feb 2009, 01:02:56 pm »
Will Do,
   I think your quad has some way to rise yet.  Here's the E8400 @ 3.6GHz + 9600GSO@20%OC running v7VLARKillMod on GPU & AP on CPU  ,  90% on  main shown, 10% beta.  and in 45 Degrees C weather ;D  (Dip is where the AP validators were off those few days).

Hm... Interesting :) My quad @2.66GHz now..... I have MB not too suitable for OCing (I bought it in hope to use onboard graphics card for rendering display and to allow dedicated GPU for crunching but.... can't boot with both (on chip and 9600GSO) cards enabled. So it was not too clever choice, to buy Q35 MotherBoard..


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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #125 on: 05 Feb 2009, 03:30:00 pm »
I notice some "wrong" behaviour: if a task goes to urgent state and the client starts it "pushing out" the current CUDA task, the new task don't transit to CUDA but stays on the CPU, so there are 3 tasks on my 2-core CPU and the GPU is idle until one of the tasks is finished.

Offline Raistmer

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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #126 on: 05 Feb 2009, 04:24:27 pm »
I notice some "wrong" behaviour: if a task goes to urgent state and the client starts it "pushing out" the current CUDA task, the new task don't transit to CUDA but stays on the CPU, so there are 3 tasks on my 2-core CPU and the GPU is idle until one of the tasks is finished.

Look 1-2 pages before for update that cures this situation.

Offline Richard Haselgrove

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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #127 on: 05 Feb 2009, 05:22:19 pm »
Since we're playing "Mine's bigger than yours", here's my Q9300:

Started with no CUDA, then a couple of weeks CUDA Beta testing (including those 70 consecutive VLARs), then switched CUDA to Main.


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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #128 on: 05 Feb 2009, 07:50:08 pm »
I think I'm seeing some of the symptoms you're describing Raistmer. I tried your moded app in your previous post, and I thought that the problem was solved as I don't think I made it past 24 hours without my GPU going idle. I applied the app last night and this morning my GPU temp was high telling me that it was being used. When I got home today I noticed that the temp was back to normal indicating that nothing was being used.
 So after reading your post about Vista (I'm using the 64bit version) which app do I change the affinty for? I'm not sure which one is used soley for the GPU. I have 4 processes running. (I only have a dual core)

AK_v8b_win_SSSE3x_GPU_CPU_team.exe is running at 3 instances 2 of them running around 22% and the 3rd one running at 00 CPU usage. The MB_6.08_mod_CPU_team_CUDA.exe file is running at 50% CPU. Which process would I change as all for of them have both CPU's checked off for the affinity.



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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #129 on: 05 Feb 2009, 08:21:17 pm »
Agreed :)
Well, attached app little more "smart" in this sense and will leave worker thread on single (first) core. It could give some performance degradation indeed in general case (it can't fill idle window of another core) but it really helped in my situation. And achieved GPU temp is highest (the same was when no non-BOINC app runs).

OK, I have read almost all the thread, I have DL the SSE3 package (I have a Core2Duo) and this version of CUDA app. Mt task manager now shows one AK_V8 app at 50%, one AK_V8 at 00% and one MB_9.08 CUDA at 2%.
In Boinc manager I have 2 working units, one normal and another one that doesn't increase the CPU time field (but it is working).
Is this normal? I did make an config file with 3 CPU's and placed it on the work folder.
The CUDA app will run at 50% just for a while at the begining...
PC is very responsive.
« Last Edit: 05 Feb 2009, 08:41:58 pm by SoNic »

Offline k6xt

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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #130 on: 05 Feb 2009, 08:40:07 pm »
I have this app running on Q6600+GPU. GUI performance on screen is very slow and jerky. It seems the app is not slowinng/stopping when I wish to use the gui. When I kill BOINC the user performance is restored.

I tried setting priorities in Task Manager - this had no effect.

How do I cure this, so I can use the PC while it crunches?

Thanks Art

Offline k6xt

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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #131 on: 05 Feb 2009, 08:44:54 pm »

OK, I have read almost all the thread, I have DL the SSE3 package (I have a Core2Duo) and this version of CUDA app. Mt task manager now shows one AK_V8 app at 50%, one AK_V8 at 00% and one MB_9.08 CUDA at 2%.
In Boinc manager I have 2 working units, one normal and another one that doesn't increase the CPU time field (but it is working).
Is this normal? I did make an config file with 3 CPU's and placed it on the work folder.
The CUDA app will run at 50% just for a while at the begining...
PC is very responsive.

Maybe you have cc_config in the wrong folder? It resides in BOINC, two levels up from the work folder.


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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #132 on: 05 Feb 2009, 08:54:10 pm »
I have this app running on Q6600+GPU. GUI performance on screen is very slow and jerky. It seems the app is not slowinng/stopping when I wish to use the gui. When I kill BOINC the user performance is restored.

What OS and gui theme are you using? Vista's Aero theme lagged with CUDA work for me, I had to drop back to Vista Basic.

Offline k6xt

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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #133 on: 05 Feb 2009, 09:00:13 pm »
I have this app running on Q6600+GPU. GUI performance on screen is very slow and jerky. It seems the app is not slowinng/stopping when I wish to use the gui. When I kill BOINC the user performance is restored.

What OS and gui theme are you using? Vista's Aero theme lagged with CUDA work for me, I had to drop back to Vista Basic.

Windows XP modified (i.e. no theme) plain background on WinXP SP3, Q6600 OC 3.1GHz, GEForce 8500GT no OC. The issue seems to be that the app is not relinquishing GPU cycles when it is supposed to.

Thanks Art


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Re: AK V8 + CUDA MB team work mod
« Reply #134 on: 05 Feb 2009, 09:29:12 pm »
I don't know then, I have a GeForce 8600GTS with 256MB ram and the only problems I have now are during task switches.


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