My results:
CUDA-Z Report
Version: 0.4.74 Version: Windows x86 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1
Core Information
Name: GeForce 9600 GSO
Compute Capability: 1.1
Clock Rate: 1700 MHz
Multiprocessors: 12
Warp Size: 32
Regs Per Block: 8192
Threads Per Block: 512
Threads Dimentions: 512 x 512 x 64
Grid Dimentions: 65535 x 65535 x 1
Memory Information
Total Global: 384 MB
Shared Per Block: 16 KB
Pitch: 256 KB
Total Constant: 64 KB
Texture Alignment: 256
GPU Overlap: No
Performance Information
Memory Copy
Host Pinned to Device: 1574.49 MB/s
Host Pageable to Device: 640.827 MB/s
Device to Host Pinned: 1635.31 MB/s
Device to Host Pageable: 598.338 MB/s
Device to Device: 17237.8 MB/s
GPU Core Performance
Single-precision Float: 318330 Mflop/s
Double-precision Float: Not Supported
32-bit Integer: 63389.4 Miop/s
24-bit Integer: 318331 Miop/s
Generated: Wed Jan 14 19:33:38 2009
As you all know already

My host can't get 6.07 on beta w/o app_info.xml