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Author Topic: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?  (Read 24082 times)

Dirk Sadowski

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AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« on: 12 Aug 2006, 08:39:12 am »

Now I have Windows XP for my AMD K8...

What will be faster on my AMD K8 3200+ ,  Simons app for Windows XP or Suse Linux 10.1 ?

Maybe we will have in the future an optimized 64 Bit- S@H (Windows/ Linux) app?
It will be faster than a 32 Bit version?


Simons SSE2 Linux V5.15 is faster than Crunch3rs SSE2 Windows V5.12...?
(I know, in around one month itīs not possible to take Crunch3rs app... because the new V5.17 will come )
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2006, 08:51:32 am by Dirk Sadowski »

Dirk Sadowski

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #1 on: 12 Aug 2006, 03:45:39 pm »

I found now some information:

CPU type AuthenticAMD
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+

Measured floating point speed 3420.95 million ops/sec <<< WinXP
Measured integer speed 11194.63 million ops/sec

Measured floating point speed 3443.46 million ops/sec <<< Linux 32bit
Measured integer speed 10938.23 million ops/sec

I donīt know which Boinc Version and so on...

What does this mean, now?

Higher Measured floating point speed and lower Measured integer speed (Linux)
is better than
lower Measured floating point speed and higher Measured integer speed ? (Windows)

Or the other way?

Or is this maybe only measuring fluctuation ?


Offline Simon

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #2 on: 12 Aug 2006, 04:41:38 pm »
Comparing 32-bit Linux applications, yes, my apps are decidedly quicker than Crunch3rs. However, he compiled a 64-bit version that is a bit quicker still (I haven't gotten around to doing that but will soon).

The differing benchmarks are pretty meaningless, they don't differ that much really (and unless you crunch other projects than S@H, they will not matter anymore anyway).

S@H spends the most time doing floating-point operations, by the way, so higher FP speed will get higher performance, usually. Integer calculations also happen, but they have far less time penalty (and so don't really change much in regards to performance).

« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2006, 04:43:45 pm by Simon »

Dirk Sadowski

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #3 on: 12 Aug 2006, 06:00:10 pm »
Hello Simon!

Thanks for time and answer!

I was searching and searching and after a lot of time I found two other AMD K8 3200+...
O.K. I donīt know their Socket... because I have the 754 and maybe they have the 939...

Chuck R. Bell
Linux optimized S@H Enhanced application by Crunch3r
Version info: Linux x86_64 SSE2 64 bit V5.12 by Crunch3r

Optimized Linux S@H Enhanced application
Version info: Linux SSE2 (P4/A64) 32-bit V5.15 by KWSN - Chicken of Angnor

And my
Windows optimized S@H Enhanced application by Crunch3r Version info: Windows SSE2 V5.12 by Crunch3r

Maybe this help you a little bit to look to the performance of the apps...

So long I can use Crunch3rs Windows V5.12 app, I think itīs more faster than your Windows and Linux apps (for AMDs), I use his app...
But, of course you know, in a short time the S@H V5.17 comes...
Then I "must" come to your apps.. ;)

And itīs nice that we have you! :)

But then, I donīt want to buy the Windows 64 Bit... I will change to Linux to the 64 Bit Version and to your 64 Bit app! :)
But now, I know nothing about Linux, so it will be not so easy for me... ;)

But when the Linux 64 Bit Version will be faster then the 32 Bit Windows and Linux Version... I must do this! I see this correct, or?

In the past we talked about... I hope you will remember... that maybe the other good guys and you comes together and you all make super optimized apps...
There is something new?
I found a Linux 64 Bit Version
Maybe you can do an new Linux 64 Bit V5.17 with him? :)


« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2006, 06:04:12 pm by Dirk Sadowski »

Offline Simon

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #4 on: 13 Aug 2006, 06:32:07 am »
Hi Dirk,

I just found that page myself, yesterday, after someone linked to it on the main S@H boards.

Pretty amazing that I never even heard of the guy until now - sure didn't make an announcement that I saw. Still, 64-bit Linux versions should not be as much of a problem as on Windows (although I have now been contacted by someone who has successfully built with VS 2005, which by extension will allow 64-bit executables).

So anyway, what I'm trying to say is this:
64-bit apps will see the light of day soon, both on Windows and Linux.

Also, the apps he's offering are all compiled with gcc, not ICC/IPP, so his results may not be applicable fully. Still, worth getting in contact :)


Dirk Sadowski

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #5 on: 14 Aug 2006, 07:46:43 pm »
Hello Simon!

Ohh... two ask are still open... ;)

What will be faster on my AMD K8 3200+ , your app (SSE2) for Windows XP or Suse Linux 10.1 ?

Your SSE2 Linux V5.15 is faster than Crunch3rs SSE2 Windows V5.12... (AMD) ?

Thank you!


PS. Iīm looking happy forward to your 64 Bit- apps! ;)

« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2006, 07:49:59 pm by Dirk Sadowski »

Offline Simon

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #6 on: 14 Aug 2006, 07:59:42 pm »
I'm not 100% sure, but I think they are.
The reason I think this is because Pam Heinze's Pentium-D running Linux is continually just as quick as my faster-clocked Pentium-D running Windows.

Both computers run my apps.

AFAIK, her computer runs somewhere at 3.4 GHz (but has 2MB cache/core), while mine runs at 3.85 GHz (with 1MB cache/core). So that would point to a ~10% speed advantage of Linux over Windows, but that's definitely not a very exact comparison, as she is using a generic SSE2 app, and I'm using an Intel-only SSE3 app. On Windows, the speed advantage of SSE3 > generic SSE2 is quite a bit.

More motivation for me to release more Linux versions.

« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2006, 08:03:36 pm by Simon »

Dirk Sadowski

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #7 on: 14 Aug 2006, 08:36:45 pm »
Hello Simon!

You know, I want the fastest app for my PCs... ;)
For the science! ...not for the Credits!

When itīs like this that LINUX is faster than Windows, then I must go to LINUX...

But in the past when I had the AMD K8 new, I installed Suse LINUX and then I wanted to install BOINC...
...please donīt laugh...! :)
I couldnīt install BOINC... :(

Now I think I must take YAST or something else (Suse LINUX) to install programms, or?
(not with "click doubly" on the programm icon... ;) )

Then I bought Windows, because I know there more... :)

But when I would like to have the fastest app... then I must learn more about LINUX! :)


« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2006, 08:39:33 pm by Dirk Sadowski »

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #8 on: 14 Aug 2006, 09:06:24 pm »
It's actually very simple to install BOINC on Linux now.

You can download the official BOINC installation package for Linux from the main site, it will be called something.sh.

Then all you need to do is:
sh something.sh

and voilā, all done.

Then start up BOINC (this is actually the more difficult part):

First time:
Code: [Select]
./boinc -return_results_immediately -attach_project http://setiathome.berkeley.edu youraccountkey

The first time you run BOINC, it will download the official (stock) application and some WUs and start crunching. Wait until it starts a result, then quit BOINC again.

Now is the time to install the optimized app - copy the app and the app_info.xml to BOINC/projects/setiathome.berkeley.edu, as on Windows.

Then, and whenever you need to start it again:
Code: [Select]
./boinc -return_results_immediately -redirectio -daemon

./boinc -help explains what the options do. -redirectio -daemon means it will "detach" or run in the background and just write a text log instead of staying open on your console.


Dirk Sadowski

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #9 on: 14 Aug 2006, 09:31:56 pm »
Hello Simon!

Iīm sorry for this question... ;)

When Iīm using the LINUX BOINC Version, I have the same or nearly the same look of the opened Window?
To look to the projects, work, messages... and so on...

Or itīs like this, that itīs running only as a service in the background with only command lines and messages?
Not like under Windows?

And the code?
Itīs like under Windows: "start/ implement" ("Start/ Ausführen")

Itīs not like this that I can start BOINC only to click on the icon? ;)

Because I thought Suse LINUX is a little bit like Windows...


...it will be a hard work for me... :(

Offline Simon

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #10 on: 14 Aug 2006, 09:50:43 pm »
You can run it both on the shell and on xwindows. And it shouldn't be too tough ;)

What might be a problem is missing libraries, but they should be included with any recent Suse version. Just don't use an old one, preferrably.

You could also use Knoppix and a usb stick to just test it without having to install Linux at all - Knoppix is based on Slackware, and really is very nice. Just download the ISO, burn to CD, and boot from it. Complete device support, works great - all data you want to keep should go on the USB stick.

« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2006, 10:32:04 pm by Simon »

Dirk Sadowski

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #11 on: 14 Aug 2006, 10:19:38 pm »
Hello Simon!

Thanks a lot for your support and time!

I will go with my other questions about LINUX to some other people, to nerves them... ;)
Because I think you have enough other work to do! :)


PS. I wanted to take Suse LINUX 10.1 from the last "cīt spezial Linux, 05/2006" magazine... :)
Maybe I will start with Knoppix first... ;)
« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2006, 11:56:28 pm by Dirk Sadowski »

Dirk Sadowski

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #12 on: 15 Aug 2006, 10:50:16 am »

I installed Suse Linux V10.1- 64Bit
And I wanted to use the Boinc Linux V5.4.9- 64Bit and the S@H Linux V5.13- 64Bit

Now Iīm feeling very stupid... :(

What must I do after the download?


...I had unpacked the file and then I had:

a file "boinc_5.4.9_opteron-64-linux-gnu"
and a folder named: project folder

but when I click on "boinc_5.4.9_opteron-64-linux-gnu" nothing happen...

I wanted to install the programm with YAST over the "Console with instructions" but I couldnīt because some errors messages came... :(

« Last Edit: 15 Aug 2006, 10:52:37 am by Dirk Sadowski »


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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #13 on: 15 Aug 2006, 11:41:11 pm »

  I think I saw that you had this answered in a different thread so I won't re-answer it.

  BTW how did using Knoppix go??


  I had forgotten about Knoppix I haven't used it in 3 maybe 4 years. I know that I burn the ISO to a CD/DVD and run the OS from there...but my question is this:

  IF I have a spare USB key/stick/thumb-drive can I just put the ISO on the drive and tell the BIOS to boot from USB-(slot X)?? I know I can boot from a USB port since I have had to do that in the past with an external HDD, FDD, or CD/DVD drive -- mostly in emergencies!!

  OR would I have to mount the ISO onto the USB key with a program like "Alcohol 120%", etc.????


Dirk Sadowski

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Re: AMD K8, Windows or Linux for S@H ?
« Reply #14 on: 16 Aug 2006, 12:45:47 am »
I think I saw that you had this answered in a different thread so I won't re-answer it.

BTW how did using Knoppix go??...


Now I didnīt used Knoppix...
I installed Suse LINUX 10.1- 64 Bit on my AMD K8 3200+ and I have now the "old" Windows XP too on the HDD...
Iīm very interesting how the WUs are will be with the Suse LINUX 64 Bit and the Boinc 64 Bit & S@H 64 Bit too...


« Last Edit: 16 Aug 2006, 12:49:13 am by Dirk Sadowski »


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